Pancreatin - indications for use

Pancreatin is a known medicine that is not as active as its Mezim counterpart, of course, but nevertheless. From the advertising description of this drug it may seem that it is completely harmless, and therefore anyone can take it, whenever you like. But do not forget that in the first place Pancreatin is a medicine. And like any medicine, it has its own indications for use. The last - below in the article.

The main secrets of the popularity of Pancreatin

As you probably know, Pancreatin is a special digestive enzyme. This drug is a reliable support of the body. Pancreatin allows you to fill the lack of digestive enzymes, and can also have a laxative effect on the body.

The main advantage of Pancreatin tablets, the method of application of which will be discussed below, is the universal composition of the drug, which not only has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, but also improves the functioning of the stomach (reduces and prevents gas formation, for example). All these factors contributed to the widespread use of the drug.

Tablets Pancreatin - indications for use

Produced Pancreatin in tablets or capsules. It should be noted that it is recommended for those who underwent surgery on the gastrointestinal tract, or for people having difficulty with a swallowing reflex, taking in the form of capsules. After opening the drug, you can drink the powder, which is contained in the capsule shell.

In general, Pancreatin has the following indications for use:

Pancreatin-Lect is indicated for use in people exposed to radiation. And also this preparation is often prescribed before ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity to prevent gas formation, because of which the results of ultrasonography are obtained unreliable.

Pancreatin can be taken (with the permission of a specialist, of course) with excessive consumption of too fatty or difficult to digest food. The drug will help relieve severe discomfort.

Tablets Pancreatin - method of administration and dose

Pancreatin - tablets, calculated for the internal method of use. Drinking the medicine is recommended during meals or immediately after it. To the action of Pancreatin was more effective, the tablet should be washed down with a lot of water (or any other liquid).

Standard dosage of Pancreatin: one to four tablets per meal. But depending on the diagnosis and the characteristics of the patient's body, the dosage may increase or decrease (this is what the Pancreatin prescribes for the doctor).

Twenty-one tablets are the daily norm. But with exacerbations and serious problems with the development of the digestive secret the norm can be increased twice.

Also, depending on what Pancreatin was prescribed for, and what indications for the use of the drug have caused it appointment, the duration of the treatment course can also vary. Treatment can last from several days to several years (if the body needs constant support).

The main contraindications for taking Pancreatin include the following:

You can not also take pancreatin tablets to children under six years old, pregnant women and nursing mothers.