Blood clotting is the norm

For preventive purposes or when clarifying the causes of any symptoms of the disease, a number of laboratory tests are usually assigned. This often determines the coagulability of the blood - the norm of this indicator indicates a normal functioning of the liver, the patency of blood vessels and the flow of biological fluid in the veins. Any deviation suggests persistent violations of hemostasis, which must be treated.

Coagulation indicators - norm

Hemostasiogram or coagulogram is recommended for the following conditions:

Determine which norm of blood clotting parameters is violated and characterizes each of the listed states, it is possible by the following values:

  1. The time for which the blood is curdled. It is calculated from the moment when the biological fluid was taken for analysis, before the coagulation began. In a healthy body, this time is from 5 to 7 minutes. This indicator indicates the activity of thrombocytes, plasma factors, as well as the functioning of the walls of blood vessels.
  2. Duration of bleeding. It is measured from the moment of damage to the skin until the discharge of blood from the wound stops. Normally, this value is no more than 5 minutes, it characterizes the state of the vascular walls, the balance of platelets and factor VII.
  3. Partial active thromboplastin time. This indicator is designed to study the concentration of fibrinogen, as well as the level of activation of blood factors. The value does not depend on the number of platelets, the norm is from 35 to 45 seconds.
  4. Prothrombin time. This item allows to find out, how much the norm of the content of proteins responsible for clotting of blood (thrombin and prothrombin). In addition to concentration, the chemical composition and the percentage of the measured values ​​must be indicated in the analysis results. Ideally, this time is from 11 to 18 seconds.

It is worth noting that the rate of blood coagulation in pregnant women is slightly different from the generally accepted indicators, since in the body of the future mother appears an additional circle of blood circulation - uterine placental.

Blood clotting by Sukharev - the norm

This analysis is carried out either 3 hours after the last meal, or on an empty stomach in the morning. Blood is taken from the finger of the hand and filled with a special container, called a capillary, to a mark of 30 mm. Then, by means of a stopwatch, the time is calculated through which the liquid begins to fill the vessel more slowly, which means it is folded. The beginning of this process is normally from 30 to 120 seconds, the end - from 3 to 5 minutes.

Blood coagulability in Duke - the norm

The study in question is performed using a Frank needle that pierces the ear lobe to a depth of 4 mm. From the moment the time is punctured and every 15-20 seconds a strip of filter paper is applied to the wound. When red marks cease to exist on it, the analysis is considered complete and the clotting time of the blood is calculated. The normal reading is 1-3 minutes.

Blood clotting is higher or lower than normal

Deviations of the obtained values ​​of laboratory studies in one direction or another indicate the presence of vascular and vascular wall diseases, venous diseases, hepatitis , acquired or congenital hemostasis pathologies, leukemias, hemophilia.