Growing strawberries on Dutch technology

Bright, juicy, fresh and fragrant strawberries all year round - it is these opportunities that give us the cultivation of strawberries on the Dutch technology in greenhouses. This is a good income for enterprising gardeners who can year-round sell these delicious berries that remind people of summer.

The method of growing strawberries in Dutch is quite simple: from bushes that grow in greenhouses, a berry harvest is harvested every two months. However, for this purpose, not all strawberry varieties are suitable, but only high-yielding ones. In general, this agrotechnology is developed for growing large volumes of berries for sale, and its use "for themselves" involves considerable material costs.

Features of the Dutch method

The usual method involves harvesting exclusively in the summer. At the same time, different environmental conditions sometimes lead to a loss of 30% of the crop. The difference between the Dutch way of growing strawberries is that plants do not land in the open ground. Agrofirms engaged in breeding strawberries on Dutch technology, for these purposes are equipped with large greenhouses. But even on the balcony you can plant a few bushes in pots. This will be enough to pamper yourself and yourself with strawberries.

To plant the strawberries are suitable and high (up to 70 centimeters) pots, and boxes, and even polyethylene bags that occupy little space. Then everything is simple: one strawberry bush is planted in a separate container or bag. After a while, the plants will begin to bloom, then the first berries will appear, and soon it will be possible to harvest the harvest. However, you should know that the Dutch method of growing strawberries requires the planting of special varieties of plants that can self-pollinate, because without this berries you will not get.

Increasing yields

Only intensive cultivation will allow you to harvest every two months. In addition to using special self-pollinating varieties, it is necessary to know some tricks, because the first crop is always better than the following ones.

Firstly, it is necessary to plant strawberries in pots not in autumn, as is customary for planting on open ground, but in August. During the three autumn months the plants will strengthen well, their roots will develop, the flowering stage will pass. By the beginning of winter, when others begin to get berries from the freezing chambers from the freezing chambers, you can enjoy a fragrant fresh strawberry.

Secondly, in this case it is very important to use for planting a sterile soil in which there are no weeds and pests. Ordinary land from the garden does not fit, but steamed peat with sand is an excellent solution. By the way, the presence of nutrients in such a soil is not necessary, since such conditions are required for an intensive method of growing strawberries.

Watering the "Dutch" strawberries should be done daily, and once a week the plants need fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. In addition, monitor the pH of the soil so that acidity does not increase. If it is a question of growing berries for sale, then the owners of greenhouses have a sense to take samples of soil every six months to the laboratory, so that specialists analyze its chemical composition. Mother plant cells are recommended to be changed every two years.

Now you know how strawberries are grown in Holland. This process is quite laborious, but productive and effective. However, do not expect that the berries that you get using this technology will be as delicious, fragrant and sweet as homemade strawberries.