Iyengara Yoga

Iyengara yoga is a way to make your body anatomically beautiful and perfect. In this type of yoga, special attention is paid to the position of the body - special supports are used to create maximum harmony. Here the description of each pose looks very extensive, because it is very important to take into account every detail. If we are talking about practice in a group - yoga according to the method of Iyengar suggests an individual approach to each practitioner of her person.

Iyengar: clarifying yoga

Iyengar Yoga School is perhaps the most popular among all the others. It was Bellur Krishnamachar Sundaraja Iyengar, who, from the age of 16, learned the art of yoga from a famous master, made a real revolution in this practical philosophy, making it accessible to beginners. Despite the many varieties of hatha yoga, Iyengara always finds its followers.

Doing yoga Iyengar can be both for the harmonization of the spirit, and for therapeutic purposes for the body. This style is static - that is, it is aimed at taking poses and keeping them for a long time. This system pays close attention to the very detachment of asanas (yoga Iyengar assumes very lengthy descriptions of the rules for taking a pose, which are necessary for the most exact observance of them).

For a long time, the body is in a certain position, there is a therapeutic effect, covering the most diverse elements of the human body: ligaments, muscles, joints, internal organs and all body systems.

Iyengar Yoga for beginners, even with a slow performance, shows many positive effects, and one of the main ones is the harmonization of the person's psycho-emotional state.

Iyengar's yoga for home practice is not very comfortable - it's one of the few types of yoga that requires a lot of extra funds for building asanas. This can be special rollers, pillows, belts, bricks and many other items. They help to effectively work out the most painful parts of the body and heal them. In this sense, ayengar yoga for women is as useful as for men.

It should be noted that the most obvious positive result of classes is given by the conscious practice of Iyengar yoga, in which a person not only comprehends asanas (special poses) and pranayama (breathing exercises), but also the philosophy of yoga, its moral principles. In this regard, the best source is the Iyengar yoga book "The Light of Life," written personally by the founder of this trend.

Iyengara yoga: four levels

The entire Iyengar Yoga course is a special preparatory class and four basic levels: two primary, basic and intensive. Each of these programs differs in complexity - beginners have to learn the simplest asanas, and those who are familiar with yoga for a long time, to comprehend more complex poses.

In addition to these general, basic classes, there are also a number of therapeutic classes:

Therapeutic options have a very tangible effect on health, so if you are looking for healing, the best option is to combine a visit to one of the basic levels and yoga therapy.

The use of even basic exercises increases the vitality, improves well-being and health, rejuvenates the appearance, promotes straightening of the spine, normalizes pressure, restores joints mobility and significantly enhances immunity. People who regularly practice yoga, are easier to resist stressful situations, become calmer and happier.