Strawberry ampel - cultivation of the most popular varieties

You can cultivate berries not only in classical, but also in ampel way. The result is a beautiful decorative composition. Strawberry ampel has a long drooping mustache with rosettes that bloom and bear fruit. You can use cascade tanks for mini-gardens on loggias, verandas or in the premises.

Ampelia strawberry - varieties

Among other plants, such strawberry is distinguished by the fact that it blooms and fructifies with its antennae. Breeders brought out repairing varieties that yield crops several times during the same season. With home-grown fruits can be harvested even in winter. The garden ampel strawberries have a number of advantages:

Strawberry ampel "Roman"

The presented hybrid has a unique ability - the possibility of continuous flowering with pink flowers. Other characteristics of the variety include:

  1. Fruiting does not depend on the light day and season. In the description of the variety of ampel strawberries it is indicated that it is possible to collect berries after 1.5-2 months. after transplanting.
  2. Compact bushes reach a height of 25-30 cm, and they give a lot of inflorescences and mustaches. Berries of a drop-shaped shape are large, they have a pleasant aroma and excellent taste.
  3. In conditions of protected ground strawberry ampel can bear fruit up to 10 months. in the year. The first crop can be harvested a couple of months after planting.
  4. Variety "Roman" can be used as an ornamental plant.

Strawberry ampel "Fragaria"

Many will be surprised that in fact this plant is not strawberries, although the outwardly the berries are very similar. Brought him from India and the countries of Southeast Asia. It is an ornamental perennial berry plant, which many grow as an ample strawberry variety. The bushes are small (height 10-15 cm) with built-up leaves of dark green color and small flowers with five petals. Berries are edible, but they do not taste.

Strawberry ampel "Tarpan"

A garden variety of remontant strawberries, which fructifies and blooms throughout the summer. It should be noted the presence of large bright pink flowers and elongated peduncles. In the description of the strawberry variety "Tarpan" it is indicated that it can be grown on balconies in pots and on the street in the garden. The berries are large and weigh about 30-35 g. They are very tasty and have a strong strawberry flavor.

Strawberry ampel Laurent

This is a Dutch hybrid of large-fruited strawberries, to the distinguishing features of which can be attributed to the compactness of the bushes, small uchoobrazovanie and early flowering. In addition, the cultivation period of this variety is very short. In the description of the strawberry variety "Laurent" it is indicated that the conifers have an intermediate ripening period. They are large, dense, juicy and sweet. Due to the compactness and early flowering, this species is ideal for growing in closed ground.

Strawberry ampelnaya "Pineapple"

The description of this variety indicates that it is early maturing and beardless. The bush is small and semi-sporadic. Many are sure that they call the strawberry "Pineapple" because of its similar taste to taste with a tropical flavor, but in fact it is not. From Latin, "pineapple" means a kind of garden strawberry variety that has no analogue in the wild. They call pineapple strawberries polymorphic, that is, many species of this culture are known. Berries of white color have a soft, sour-sweet and fragrant flesh.

Strawberry ampelnaya "Tempation"

The breeders of England brought out this large-bred and patchwork variety, from which it is possible to obtain dense, but juicy berries. They are very sweet and have a strong muscat flavor. Fruits can be harvested on both the main bush and the mustache. With the strawberry "Temptation" you can harvest from May to frost. It can be grown in pots and balcony boxes.

How to plant ampel strawberries?

To harvest in the summer, it is necessary to conduct a timely seed sowing and do it in the first days of February. There are some rules how to plant an amp strawberry correctly:

  1. It is best to use containers that let light through. Seeds are evenly distributed over the moistened substrate and covered from above with snow or a lid.
  2. It will be useful to conduct the quenching of seeds, for which they should be sent for several days in the refrigerator.
  3. For successful germination of seeds, it is important that the temperature is 24 ° C, air is well supplied and there is acceptable lighting. If everything is done right, then in a week you can see the shoots.
  4. When emergence of strawberry shoots, the ampel cover should be removed. Watering should be superficial and scattered. After that, the temperature drops to 6 ° C.
  5. At the next stage, a two-time top dressing is carried out using a complex mixture or a solution of nitroammophoska .
  6. The pickling of seedlings takes place in a month, when it will be transplanted into small pots.
  7. When the bushes are already 2 months old, they are transplanted into containers for permanent cultivation. At the bottom of the containers is put drainage , for example, broken brick or expanded clay. Filling capacity with soil from a garden cleaned with sulfur or ash, or using store substrates.

Strawberry ampel can be planted in several ways, which have their own characteristics.

  1. Glade. Beautiful bushes look great on a green lawn. For a territory of 2x2 size, it is necessary to have 30-40 outlets, which are planted with an interval of 0.5 m. The land should be the same as for cucumbers. Disembarkation of seedlings is carried out in August.
  2. Trellis. The height of the device should be approximately 1 m high. You need to plant 3 sockets per meter. The landing can be carried out in spring and summer.
  3. Barrel. The container must have a volume of 100-200 liters. It is recommended to collect weeds in it for a year, adding a tool for fast composting. After that fertilizer is poured over with black soil. The barrel should be filled so that the soil does not reach the edge by 10-15 cm. You can place 7-8 seedlings in the container.
  4. Suspended tanks. The depth must be a minimum of 30 cm. A polyethylene must be placed on the bottom and an opening is made to prevent water from stagnating.

How to care for ampel strawberries?

To collect abundant crops several times a year, it is important to take good care of plants. For this purpose, you need to know the following requirements:

  1. It is important to comply with the temperature regime, so for seedling ampelnoy strawberries before flowering enough for 10-15 ° C. When the berries begin to ripen massively, it is worth maintaining 22-25 ° C. At the same humidity of air should be about 60%.
  2. For strawberry ampel, lighting conditions are important. In the period of flowering and fruit formation, the duration of daylight hours should be at least 14 hours. During cold weather, it is recommended to take care of artificial lighting and heating.

Care for ampel strawberries in winter

When growing plants on the street, it is important to take care of sheltering bushes for the winter, especially if the temperature drops to -20 ° C and there is little snow. This is important to prevent freezing of the roots. It is necessary to cover the shelter with regular frosts, but if the temperature rises, the bushes should be cleaned in order to prevent it from escaping. Large-bodied ampel strawberries can be covered with pine lapnikom, hay, straw, dry leaves and agrovoloknom.

Garden strawberry ampel - soil

It is important to use a soil that is enriched with mineral fertilizers, nitroammon, nitrate and cow dung. It should be guided by this proportion: 10 kg of soil requires fertilizers in the proportion of 15: 20: 1000 g. Before planting ampel strawberries, the soil must be sieved to make it "airy". As a ground mixture, peat and turf mixed in a 2: 1 ratio with the addition of a small amount of sand can be used. Another option is to use ready-made soil for strawberries.

How to feed the ampel strawberries?

As almost all varieties give abundant fruiting, after it the bush is depleted, so it needs abundant and regular feeding. Cultivation of ampelic strawberries implies the introduction of nitrogen and potassium into the earth. As for phosphorus, they need to be fed only once - before planting. Top-dressing is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. In the third decade of December, urea is introduced into the soil. It is important to use 1% or 2% composition.
  2. In the second half of June it is necessary to water the bushes with liquid cow manure or chicken droppings.
  3. Along with organic fertilizers, it is recommended to use mineral additives, for example, "Rastorin" or "Kristallin".

Strawberry ampel - watering

For this culture it is important to get regular watering. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is moist, which will contribute to the rapid growth of young foliage. There are several rules for watering:

  1. To increase fruiting, after harvesting with a repair ampelnoy strawberries, you should hold a haircut and begin to water the bushes with warm water.
  2. Irrigate the land is recommended at sunset or in the morning to protect the plant from sunburn. After that, the soil must be loosened and mulched .
  3. You can not water the bush from above, so pour water under the root. If this rule is ignored and the liquid enters the center of the socket, the plant may die.
  4. The frequency of irrigation is determined by the state of the soil, if it slightly adheres to the hands, then everything is fine, and if it is scattered, then irrigation is carried out.
  5. During the fruiting of strawberries, the ampel should be watered every five days. It is best to give preference to drip irrigation.