Reduced hemoglobin - symptoms

The red color of the blood is explained by the content of the pigment in erythrocytes, containing iron and protein, hemoglobin. This compound performs one of the most necessary functions in the body: the transfer of oxygen molecules. Therefore, it is important to pay close attention to reduced hemoglobin - the symptoms of the condition can be the first signal of impending serious problems and developing diseases.

What symptoms and signs of low hemoglobin in the blood appear first?

In the early stages of pathology, clinical manifestations may be absent due to immune compensation, or the patient simply does not notice them. Further development of anemia is characterized by the following factors:

It should be noted that the primary symptoms of decreased hemoglobin in women become apparent earlier than in men. This is due to the fact that the normal concentration of pigment in the blood in the fair sex varies in the smaller range: 130-147 g / l (in the strong half of humanity - 130-160 g / l).

Further clinical manifestations depend on the type of anemia.

What are the symptoms if hemoglobin is lowered?

If the disease is associated with acute vitamin B12 deficiency, the following symptoms are observed:

Iron deficiency anemia has the following symptoms:

In acute hemolytic reduction of hemoglobin:

Sickle-cell type anemia:

Symptoms of decreased hemoglobin in the blood during lead intoxication:

Chronic anemia is characterized by the following symptoms:

For correct diagnosis of pathology, a number of laboratory tests are required: