How is syphilis manifested?

Syphilis is an insidious and very dangerous disease. Not appearing for a long time, he can live in the body and sometimes cause irreparable harm to health. Female syphilis is a special topic for conversation, as it can be transmitted from mother to child, even if it is still in the womb. That's why every fair sex should not only know her enemy in person, but also be able to find him on time for further treatment.

Signs of syphilis in women

No one is insured against infection with syphilis. The causative agent of pale spirochete disease, is able to penetrate the body through microcracks in the skin and through the mucous membrane. Most often, syphilis penetrates into the female body through sexual contact. This method of infection accounts for almost 96% of cases. Enough friction of the penis inside the vagina, to form small cracks, and the causative agent of infection has got into the blood. Less common is household syphilis , infection through hygiene items, combs and lipstick

About 28 days after infection, the incubation period of the disease ends, and the first signs of syphilis in women begin to appear on the skin. How is syphilis manifested in women?

Treatment of syphilis in women

Modern medicine allows you to successfully fight the disease and get rid of it without harm to the body. At the same time antibiotics are used in the treatment, which stop the development of the virus in the body. Naturally, the earlier the virus is detected, the easier it will be to get rid of it.

In addition to treatment, various preventive measures are widely practiced today. All the infected are on special account with doctors, and with the young ladies from the school bench there are preventive conversations. As statistics show, the severity of the disease is usually not realized by young people. Syphilis in girls today, unfortunately, occurs quite often. If a woman did not treat the disease before or during pregnancy, she practically has no chance to give birth to a healthy child. In addition, this disease can cause premature birth, and the fetus can be born dead. However, at the same time, medicine allows you to treat the body right during the gestation, which increases its chances of appearing healthy.

For the prevention of syphilis, doctors recommend that once every six months to undergo an examination of the body for the presence of pale spirochetes, visit a gynecologist and a venereologist. If the sexual contact was not protected, it is recommended that the organs be thoroughly rinsed with water with ordinary household soap. However, the best prevention of syphilis in women is still sex with a regular partner or, in extreme cases, sexual contact with the use of a condom.