Smear for purity

A smear on the degree of purity of the vagina refers to those laboratory methods of research that help determine the state of the internal environment of the reproductive system. At its carrying out laboratory assistants estimate a parity of a normal microflora to conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic. A study is carried out by taking a swab from the vagina. Let's consider this method in detail and find out what norms in women are established when carrying out a smear for the degree of purity, as they are deciphered.

What are the useful microorganisms contained in the vagina?

Normally, in the vagina there are useful bacilli, called Dodderlein sticks. They are responsible for creating the necessary environment in the vagina, in the process of their vital activity produce lactic acid. Creation of an acidic medium promotes the creation of an active barrier in the pathway of most pathogens. such conditions hamper their development and reproduction.

With a decrease in the concentration of Doderlein's sticks in the vagina, alkalinization occurs, and the pH shifts to the alkaline side. Such conditions are favorable for the development of pathogenic microbes, which leads to the development of the disease, the appearance of symptoms. The woman notes a change in the nature of the discharge, their color, the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

What degrees of purity of the vagina is it customary to allocate?

Comparison of the results of the smear on the degree of purity of the vagina to the norms is performed exclusively by the doctor. Only he can take into account the peculiarities of the current situation, put out the correct diagnosis.

By the ratio of useful microbes to pathogenic, it is customary to distinguish the following degrees of purity:

  1. The first degree, is fixed when the medium is at pH 4.0-4.5. The majority of the smears are lactobacilli (Dodderlein sticks). In a single amount, epithelial cells, leukocytes can be fixed. Such a result is considered as a variant of the norm.
  2. The second degree. In this case, the pH is set at 4.5-5.0. In the field of view of the microscope, Gram-negative bacteria are found in a small amount, which, in fact, are the causative agents of infections. At 2 degrees of purity, the smear can be repeated. Upon confirmation, treatment is prescribed.
  3. Third degree. The pH level is in the range of 5.0-7.0. In this case, a large number of pathogenic bacteria, cocci , are found in the field of vision . Symptoms of violations appear. As a rule, in this condition, women notice the presence of secretions that change color, consistency, and volume. There is burning, itching. The 3 degree of purity of the smear means that therapeutic measures are required.
  4. Fourth degree. The vaginal environment becomes sharply alkaline. The pH is 7.0-7.5. In the smear there is a large number of pathogenic microbes, leukocytes, which directly indicates active inflammatory processes in the reproductive system. Typically, the 4th degree of purity of the vagina when taking a smear, is found in women who have started the disease, or have made attempts to improper, self-treatment.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, the degree of purity of the vagina is conducted in order to accurately determine the pathogenic microorganism, the ratio of its quantity to the useful microflora of the vagina. This method of research helps in the early stages of identifying the disease, before the appearance of the first clinical symptoms, appoint the appropriate treatment. This is why it is carried out when the baby is born, even at the stage of pregnancy planning or establishing the reasons for its absence.