Can prune be given during breastfeeding?

The nursing mother should provide herself with a full-fledged diet so that the baby, together with her milk, receives useful substances, so necessary for its development. But after all, the newborn baby's body has not yet adapted to the new conditions, because women know that some restrictions on nutrition are mandatory. Therefore, before introducing a product into the menu, caring mothers are interested in the admissibility of this step. In this regard, often a question arises whether it is possible to eat prunes during breastfeeding. You need to carefully understand this topic.

Benefits of Prunes in Lactation

This dried fruit contains iron, potassium, phosphorus, fiber, pectin, a number of vitamins. Such a rich composition makes the fetus a very valuable product for a woman after childbirth. In addition, prunes have the following properties:

The latter property is especially appreciated by young mothers, after all, after giving birth, many face the problem of constipation. Prunes can solve it without the use of medicines.

Possible damage to prunes for nursing

Obviously, this dried fruit is a useful product in lactation. But, still figuring out whether it is possible to breastfeed prunes, you should consider the likelihood of its harmful effects.

Prunes do not belong to allergenic foods, but moms should not forget that each organism is individual. Therefore, it should not be ruled out that the appearance of a rash is due to this fetus.

It is also important to consider that prunes, which have a lax effect, can cause diarrhea in the baby. The same mothers, who have excess weight, you need to know that this dried fruit is a fairly high-calorie product.

Precautionary measures

And yet the answer to the question of whether prunes can be given during breastfeeding of a newborn will be affirmative. And so that dried fruits do not have a negative effect on the body, one should take into consideration such advice: