Symptoms of Autumn Depression

It does not matter what time of year it is outside the window. The autumn depression is unimportant for the fact that nature blooms and everything pleases the eye or that winter has covered everything under a white veil. But, according to statistics, every third person's mood can suddenly drop according to a number of reasons, and then, sooner or later, can develop into a depressive state, the symptoms of which it is desirable to know everything. After all, ignorance of this will not insure you from this psychoemotional state.

Symptoms of Autumn Depression

It is accepted to divide the basic, parallel and additional signs. Let's talk about them in more detail.

  1. Basic parallel. For them, the inability of a person to show pleasure, positive emotions is characteristic. At the same time, most of the time she experiences increased fatigue, despite a full-fledged sleep. The variant of the oppressed state of mind, the decline of forces, is not excluded. Suddenly, for the person himself, the interest in life, the events that occur in it, are lost. There is a slowing of thinking, activity of brain activity decreases. Pessimistic mood and negative thoughts predominate.
  2. Under the additional understand the sense of uselessness of their own existence. For unknown reasons, the victim of autumn depression may have thoughts of worthlessness, feelings of guilt, fear, constant anxiety. At the same time it is difficult for him to make decisions of any complexity, concentration worsens. Despair and longing grab his state of mind. There is a possibility of occurrence of bulimia (eating disorder, which is characterized by increased appetite, as a result, a person rapidly gaining excess weight) or a decrease in appetite. A dream is broken or, conversely, a person suffers from hypersomnia (the process of spillage). He has no motivation for action. The initiative disappears. Behavior is characterized by passivity.

All these signs of autumn depression belong to the psychic type. It is important to know that in order to diagnose the autumn depression, it is necessary to count at least two or three signs in the patient for more than two weeks.

In addition, if this type of depression has passed to a serious stage, then it is accompanied by a number of somatic symptoms:

  1. The voice becomes muffled. There is a weakness in it. There are no intonations. Speech slows down, becomes monotonous.
  2. At night, the cramps of the gastrocnemius muscles can be tormented, which give away with great pain.
  3. Pose hunched, while outwardly the person looks like a grieving man.
  4. There is a decrease in potency, sexual arousal in young people, and in women - frigidity.
  5. Headaches, neuralgic, muscular in the area of ​​scapula, shoulder girdle, leg muscles.
  6. Constipation of a chronic type.

Autumn depression: causes

  1. From the point of view of physiology, the basis of this psychoemotional state is an increased formation in the human body of melanin, which is capable of provoking the development of depression.
  2. The psychological factor in the development of the "autumn" disease is that in a person's life a period has begun when he analyzes the acquired for a certain time (his achievements, successful accomplishments, mistakes). And in the case of unjustified hopes placed on oneself, a person is able to face the emergence of a depressive state.

Autumn depression: treatment

  1. There are several important recommendations that help to re-enter the rays of joy and happiness into your life:
  2. Reconsider your diet. Enrich it with products containing magnesium (for example, beans, green vegetables, buckwheat), fruits containing a hormone of joy (raisins, bananas).
  3. Do not forget about physical activity. Practice doing yoga. Do not be lazy in the morning to devote 20 minutes of your time to charging.
  4. Longer you are in the sun. In this case, it will not be superfluous to revise your wardrobe : complement it with bright colors.

It is worth noting that these tips can not only save you from the autumn depression, but also become an excellent prevention of its appearance.