With what shoes to wear tight jeans?

Narrow jeans look good on girls with different physique - that's why modern women like them. Also, they are perfectly combined with the most diverse clothing. Today we suggest you to find out with what footwear to wear tight jeans to women with different body constitution, growth and style.

Shoes with heels for tight jeans

The image of a daring seductress can be created if in combination with jeans, skinnie put on shoes or ankle boots on a high hairpin. Such an ensemble will add a silhouette of harmony, visually increase the growth. Not less interesting look boots or boots-stockings on a heel in tandem with narrow jeans. However, in this case, it is worth paying special attention to the color combination. So it is better not to wear light blue trousers with boots or boots of dark classical colors. To these shoes are more suited dark blue or black tight jeans.

In the summer, the ideal pair of denim breeches will be stylish sandals on a stud or platform.

Low-shoes with tight jeans

Uggs and boots, boots without heels or boots on a massive sole in a man's style - in the winter and in the autumn the warmed-down narrowed on all length jeans "will get on" practically with any footwear. In the off-season, beloved pair of pants slender beauties can wear with loffers, ballets, snickers, Oxford and even sneakers. Winning look combinations of bright unusual shoes with tight jeans, for example, a stylish addition to the spring or summer everyday image will serve as bright sneakers or sandals on the platform.

In conclusion, it should be noted that almost any footwear is suitable for narrow jeans, the only thing to consider when choosing a suitable pair is the presence of problematic sections of the figure and the stylistic orientation of the image as a whole.