Russian Black Terrier - breed description

Chernysh, Stalin's dog - as soon as they did not call representatives of this amazing breed. Although this is justified. All the matter of origin is an artificially derived breed intended for service in harsh climatic conditions. The breed was withdrawn, in particular, for the protection of prisoners in the conditions of the notorious Gulag.

Russian Black Terrier - description

Russian black terrier is a bright representative of large service dogs. Chernyshs differ not only in their excellent working qualities, stable psyche and enormous physical strength, but also with the ability to learn fast. Particularly interesting is the fact that, in any description of the breed, the Russian black terrier will always focus on the fact that the dog is able to make independent decisions in a particular situation. That is, the obedience of the black terrier is not unconditional, but is acquired in the process of training and education - this is a feature of the breed. Interesting and standards of the breed Russian black terrier. So the weight of the dog is about 50 kg (for a male 50-60 kg, for a bitch 45-50 kg), and an increase of about 72 cm (for a male 72-76 cm, but not less than 70 cm, for a female 68-72 cm, but not less than 66 cm). Muzzle is massive enough, it seems more real size due to the mustache and beard. The skin of the black is "in size" - without wrinkles and sagging, quite elastic. Thick hair requires regular care in the form of combing and trimming. Pay attention, the color of the wool in dogs of this breed is only black, a small amount of gray hair is allowed (not more than 30%). Previously, the dogs of the Russian black terrier breed were tailored. At present, this is not an indispensable condition for recognizing a dog that meets the breed standards. And here is the unusuality of the standard for black terriers - the shortcomings and defects of the breed do not include those cases when, with higher growth and weight, the proportionality of the addition characteristic for these dogs remains.

Russian black terrier - character

The nature of Chernysh is worth mentioning separately. Black Terrier - the dog is very intelligent, with a special sense of self-worth, and also friendly and charming. It is easy to train, but the team does not perform mechanically, but certainly thinks about the possibility of their implementation in this particular situation. But! Having decided to become the owner of such a dog, be sure to pay enough attention to the correct education of your pet in order to control the animal in any situation, especially extreme ones. In the conditions of the emerging threat, the black terrier turns into a powerful and ruthless beast, which is especially scary - the beast of the thinker. Be sure to keep this in mind.