How to care for calanchoe at home?

Kalanchoe - one of the most common types of domestic medicinal plants. It is used as a folk remedy for the treatment of the common cold, colds , throat diseases, and also for the treatment of burns. There is also a decorative variety of Kalanchoe - this is a beautiful plant, pleasing us with its bright pink, red or white flowers. Let's find out how to plant a Kalanchoe and take care of it at home.

This flower is unpretentious and perfectly adapts to any conditions, because Kalanchoe - a resident of the tropics. It belongs to the carp and in its leaves can accumulate moisture, which it uses to survive in droughty periods. And this means that if you often leave home or just forget to water the flowers, your Kalanchoe will not suffer too much from it. Simultaneously, this plant can grow and in conditions of high humidity. In addition, the Kalanchoe does not need to be fertilized or transplanted - in short, this flower is completely uninvolved.

How to properly care for Kalanchoe?

Choosing where to put the pot from the Kalanchoe, it is recommended to stop on the eastern or western window. The plants on the south side usually slightly blush leaves - the plant does not like direct sunlight. But at the same time it can grow in the penumbra, where there is at least a little light. Decorative species, in contrast to medicinal, more demanding of lighting. If there is not enough light, the plant begins to stretch, and the leaves - to turn pale.

The temperature regime for indoor calanchoe varies from 10-16 ° C in winter to 22-25 ° C in summer. He carries well both the heat and the coolness (in the spring and autumn the Kalanchoe can be exposed to an open balcony).

Speaking of watering, it should be noted that a short drought all types of Kalanchoe are easier to tolerate than stagnant moisture. Therefore, you should experimentally choose the frequency of watering required for your plant. Earth clod between water procedures should dry completely, and when watering, the water should well moisten the soil in the pot. In this case, the excess water must necessarily be drained - otherwise the root system can rot. In the summer heat, the frequency of watering should be increased.

Spray the Kalanchoe is not required, only sometimes arrange a plant shower and wipe the dust from its leaves with a soft cloth.

But pruning a flower is needed - it concerns mainly decorative flowering species. To the bush kalanchoe looked neat and beautiful, it should be regularly plucked from above, and lateral shoots timely and radically cut. Be sure to remove old withered shoots. To Kalanchoe blossom, it should be looked after as for non-flowering species, plus fertilizing it once a month with a universal fertilizer for succulents (use half the dose, which is indicated on the package). This can be done only during the active growth of the plant, dissolving the fertilizer in warm water.

Transplantation of the indoor flower of Kalanchoe

The flower should be regularly transplanted, as its root system grows very quickly. This is done in late spring: Kalanchoe is poured into a new, more spacious pot, together with an earthen lump. Be sure to observe the following rule: new and old soil should be the same in composition and acidity. Within a week after the transplant, it is recommended to carry out top dressing for better adaptation of the flower.

As you can see, it is not difficult to look after the room colors of Kalanchoe. As for the reproduction of this plant, there are three ways: seeds, cuttings and babies. Also of interest is the process of self-reproduction of Kalanchoe, when its fallen leaves grow on their own in the soil and give full-fledged plants. This should be watched, not allowing rooting unwanted "guests" in the pot.