Business man's etiquette

Etiquette and the image of a business person make up not only a style of clothing, shoes, make-up and hairstyles, but also a behavioral order that helps avoid mistakes in communicating with business partners. The main function of etiquette is convenience. Business people appreciate the expediency and practicality , so they think everything from small things to the most general rules and thus create a system that is close to everyday life.

The speech etiquette of a business person

The speech etiquette of a business person includes several basic rules:

  1. Ability to listen and correctly understand the idea of ​​the interlocutor.
  2. Art clearly, clearly and clearly explain their thoughts in public.
  3. Objective perception of a partner, regardless of differences between you.
  4. The ability to build good relations with people regardless of their rank, whether they are bosses or subordinates.
  5. Ability to find common interests with the interlocutor in the process of communication.

The main thing in communicating with a business partner is not material benefits that you will receive from this meeting: a signed contract or a concluded deal. Much more important than emotions and feelings, which you can convey to the interlocutor. The words will be forgotten in time, but the emotions experienced during the meeting with you will remain in the memory of the partner for a long time and maybe this will become the basis for further cooperation.

However, do not forget that in the culture of verbal communication, there are important indicators that determine the level of your education:

  1. Lexicon. The more diverse and richer, the more expressive you will be able to convey your idea and the less you wear out with the conversations of the listener.
  2. Pronunciation. Your speech should be calm and pleasant, so if it is painted with a strong accent, try to get rid of it as soon as possible.
  3. Vocabulary composition. Exclude slang and obscene words from your speech. Otherwise you risk to show oneself not from the best side.
  4. Stylistics of speech. The main thing in communicating with business partners is the availability of a good style of speech. Get rid of the words-parasites and hackneyed expressions.

In the modern world, the main role in business is assigned to the person of the firm and whether he respects the ethics and etiquette of the business person, the productivity of labor and the results of work directly depends. Therefore, businessmen around the world use the main postulate: good manners are profitable. It is always more pleasant to work with a company in which etiquette is observed, creating the appropriate psychological climate between business partners.