Gymnastics for the eyes for children

Due to the fact that the oculomotor muscles are in constant tension, there is a periodic need to provide them with rest. That is why gymnastics for the eyes, especially for children, should be performed every day, to exclude the development of myopia , which begins with a spasm of accommodation. Otherwise, the likelihood of developing a visual impairment is high.

Why do gymnastics eye?

It is established that exercises for the eyes contribute to the rapid removal of fatigue, and also facilitate visual work. This is achieved by improving blood supply. In addition, a set of exercises will help restore vision if problems already exist.

What exercises should be performed for the eyes?

There is a special gymnastics for the eyes, for the prevention of pre-school pathology of the visual apparatus. Usually it includes the following set of exercises:

  1. Classes begin with movements of the eyeballs: first up, then down, then left-right. Perform 3-4 minutes. After the exercise, you need to blink your eyes (perform each time before moving on to the next exercise).
  2. The next exercise is circular rotation, first clockwise, then against. After this, it is necessary to reduce the pupils to the nose and back.
  3. Then ask the child to close his eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, after which they quickly open. Repeat this exercise 8-10 times.
  4. The next exercise to improve accommodation: ask the child to look at the object that is located close to his eyes, and then look at another object that is located far away. Repeat 3-5 times.
  5. Movement of the eyes diagonally. When it is done, the child should miter his eyes diagonally in the lower left corner, and then straightly, slowly shift his gaze upward.

These 5 exercises are usually included in the children's gymnastics for the eyes, which can effectively deal with vision problems.

Eye gymnastics for kids

To prevent visual impairment in children , there is a special gymnastics for the eyes. Exercises are very similar to those described above, but their number is usually smaller and less time is spent on their conduct. To perform gymnastics for the eyes of infants, usually use a bright and loud rattle, which is able to attract the attention of crumbs. Perform it can be from the age of 2-3 months, when the child begins to follow the eye and is able to concentrate his attention on objects.