What do they do on the Trinity?

When 50 days pass after the celebration of Easter, all Greek Catholics and Orthodox celebrate the triumph symbolizing faith, full of energy and energy, life. It is interesting that now very few people know what exactly people are doing on the Trinity . Moreover, they are not aware of what matters should be abstained on this holiday. After all, any disobedience to God, as you know, has its consequences and may not have the best effect on the life of the sinner himself.

Trinity - what should you do on this day?

First of all, it is customary to celebrate this holiday with a rich lunch. On the table must be a lot of greens and salads of vegetables and fruits. By the way, this is not only another reason to fill your body with all useful vitamins and minerals, having arranged a certain unloading day, it is still a tribute to the trinity greens, which will be discussed below.

Continuing the theme of preparing festive dishes, it's worth noting that for a long time every housewife cooked tasty cakes, buns, and also such dishes, during the preparation of which, it was necessary to add a little dairy products. In addition, it encourages that on the table was baked fish, jelly and delicacies from the bird.

It is equally important to consider what kind of drinks in the jugs will stand on the dining table: homemade wine, jelly, Uzvar.

What else can one do on the day of the Holy Trinity, so it is a rest, because it is a feast not only of the soul, but also of the body. Do not burden yourself with chores around the house. Go to nature - enjoy it, ask the Mother Earth for strength and energy to achieve what was conceived, mentally talk to the surrounding flora. At least for a moment, force yourself not to rush anywhere, take a break from the city bustle.

What to do on the Trinity - folk customs

From time immemorial, from mouth to mouth, people pass on to their future generations national knowledge associated with a particular religious holiday. So, it is known that the celebration of the Trinity lasts three days. On the first day in the fun should not lose your head. You must be extremely cautious: everywhere from the human's eye the inhabitants of reservoirs and forests (mermaids, moors, leche, and others) hide. And field grasses and various greens with the help of their smell can scare them away - that's why every believer should decorate his home with Troitsky herbs. Moreover, not for nothing because for this holiday all nature decorates itself with bright green leaves, colorful flowers.

On the second day, it is customary to weave beautiful wreaths, and then let them run along the water. Another interesting ritual is also interesting: if you want to become a rich man, be sure to tear off a small twig of a thousand-thousander. Before you go to church service, hide it under your clothes from evil evil eye. Many after that go with a branch to bathe in the bath, in order to attract even more gold coins.

On the third day, it is customary to thank nature for everything that it does for a person. You do not need to plant forests, a hundred trees. It's enough just to say to yourself: "Thank you, dear Mother Nature."

What should you do before the Trinity?

After mentioning what can be done on the day of the Holy Trinity, it is worth noting the process of preparation for this "green" celebration. So, every housewife knows that houseplants must be transplanted, watered, dust-free. Garden and garden do not forget to get rid of the weeds that feed your crop with negative energy. If necessary, water the beds. We try to do everything possible to appease the nature, which, in turn, will send you a fruitful year. Strive to forgive all of your abusers before the onset of the Trinity and not to hold any evil on anybody.