How to take L-carnitine for weight loss?

Long gone are the days when athletes engaged in wear, not supporting their body from the outside. Today, there is a mass of all kinds of drugs for muscle building, "shrinkage", weight loss, etc. L-carnitine for weight loss also applies to them, and how this will be discussed in this article.

How does it work?

Actually, the concept of L-carnitine implies the usual vitamin B 11, produced by our body, provided that a person eats balanced, eating animal food rich in protein. And although it is not as vital as other micronutrients, its role in the body is difficult to overestimate. It is responsible for the movement of fatty acids into the circulatory system, that is, it takes a direct part in the catagenesis of fat burning . And he provides the body with energy by accelerating the release of decay products from the cells. That is, thanks to him, a person gets the opportunity to convert consumed fats into energy and increase their activity, endurance and efficiency.

Rules of admission

Before proceeding to the existing forms today, it should be noted that L-carnitine is absorbed only under certain conditions: during and immediately after cardio training, when the pulse and heart rate increase. After 30 minutes after the beginning of the exercise, the natural process of fat burning is activated and vitamin B 11 begins to function. But at the same time it is very important to eat right, not to go hungry at all and not to limit yourself to vital nutrients, especially protein, vitamin C and iron. It is equally important to maintain the drinking regime.

For a day should take 200-1500 mg of the substance, and if the load is high enough, then this dosage can be increased to 1.6-2 g. Athletes are recommended to consume up to 8 g of the drug per day. For those who want to lose weight, the dosage is 1200 mg. There will not be much harm if you increase this figure to 3-5 g. However, this daily amount should be divided into 4-5 receptions and consumed 30-60 minutes before meals. Interested in how much you take L-carnitine before the start of training, you can answer that at least an hour, then the dose can be slightly increased. For example, asking how much L-carnitine is taken before a training session, it may be a rule to drink 400 mg before the lessons, and 200 mg before breakfast, lunch and evening meal.

Forms of the drug:

For the year it is recommended to hold 4-6 courses. There is a whole series of preparations of vitamin B 11, designed to combat excess weight. Among them, especially can be identified Acetyl Levocarnitine. It is characterized by a neurostimulating effect, which not only burns fat, but also improves brain activity. Deserves attention and L carnitine with trivalent chromium. This liquid form provides maximum lipotropic action. To one of the most stable include Fumarat L-carnitine. In it, pure levocarnitine interacts with fumaric acid, providing a quality and stable weight loss. But anabolic complexes and sports fat burners produce on the basis of chloride of L-carnitine.