Whey Protein Isolate

Whey Protein Isolate is a highly purified, rapidly digestible protein that does not contain carbohydrates, cholesterol, fats. Among a wide variety of sports nutrition , isolate is one of the most popular products that can help both weight gain, and weight loss, and to strengthen the immune system.

Whey isolate has in the composition irreplaceable for the body amino acids of the BCAA group:

  1. Leucine . This amino acid is needed to lower blood sugar, and it also stimulates the release of growth hormone in the body.
  2. Isoleucine . This element contributes to the synthesis of hemoglobin, increases the endurance of the body, helps in the restoration of muscle tissue.
  3. Valine . This substance normalizes the exchange of nitrogen in the body, improves metabolism in the muscles.

All these amino acids, acting together, protect the muscle tissue from damage, are an excellent source of energy, help in the process of recovery of the skin, muscles and bones after intensive training, during the postoperative period and after the trauma.

The whey protein isolate is the best, even the proteins of meat, eggs, and fish can not equal it. Due to the fact that this product is very quickly absorbed by the body and has a great biological value, it can be consumed immediately after training to instantly replenish the energy spent.

Whey Protein Isolate is considered to be the best sport product because:

Useful properties of whey protein isolate

  1. It removes harmful cholesterol from the body. Due to this property, there is a reduction in the possibility of blood clots, circulatory disorders and the development of atherosclerosis.
  2. Relieves the feeling of heaviness and "cramming" of muscles after intensive training.
  3. Accelerates the processes of fat burning.
  4. Promotes an increase in muscle mass of the body, and the muscles become more robust.
  5. Beneficial effect on bone tissue and brain.
  6. Strengthens the cardiovascular system and, therefore, prevents the development of heart disease.
  7. Used to treat cancer and even HIV.
  8. Reduces blood sugar, and, therefore, will be useful for people suffering from diabetes.
  9. It is less allergenic sports supplement than other dairy products.
  10. Due to easy and quick assimilation, the isolate does not cause problems with digestion.
  11. It has antioxidant properties.
  12. It is an excellent product for people with lactose intolerance.

How to use whey protein isolate?

If you are engaged in outdoor sports such as basketball, football, athletics, etc., then you should take the protein about 3 times a day after training.

If you want to build muscle mass, then use whey protein isolate immediately after physical training, at a rate of 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight, but preferably not more than four times a day.

To the protein isolate helped to lose weight it is desirable to take it in the morning and before training, when the body needs to be filled with energy.

To maintain the immune system, it is recommended to consume about 25 grams of whey protein isolate per day.

Do not forget that excessive use of any kind of sports nutrition can cause significant damage to the body.