What is better protein or a gainer?

Very often women who follow the beauty of their bodies, and regularly visit the gym, can not determine what is the difference between a protein and a geyner. And why are some sportsmen recommended to use the trainers, other only protein cocktails , and the third and both. In this article we will try to answer this question.

What is the difference between a geyner and a protein?

Protein is a high-protein supplement, which does not include carbohydrates and fats.

Gainer is a high-calorie mixture, mostly consisting of carbohydrate and protein components.

These two substances have different problems. Proteins deliver a protein to the muscle mass, which is the basis in building muscles. And the caloric content of the geyner contributes to a surge of energy into the body, and this increases the intensity and effectiveness of training.

Although at first glance, it seems that the use of a geyner is much more beneficial than a protein, because it also contains proteins, but on a detailed look it is possible to see the difference between a geyner and a protein. The fact is that the abundant supersaturation of the body with calories, which are contained in the geyners, can serve as the formation not so much of the muscles as the growth of the subcutaneous fat layer. For people of lean physique, the geyner is the most suitable option, since it allows you to gain the necessary body weight, but, for women prone to fattening, there is a danger.

Gainer is not capable of harming the body, but if it is misused, and without consulting a specialist, the expected effect will not occur.

There are a variety of types of geyner, which differ in the content of proteins and carbohydrates.

How to use heiner and protein?

Leading experts recommend taking geyners with a high carbohydrate content - before heavy physical loads, and also, on busy days, in which even a portion can be increased. In this case, the energy reserve is created in the muscles, which is so necessary for the exchange process.

After training, it is recommended to drink cocktails, in the content of which there is a large amount of whey protein, fast carbohydrates and glutamine.

Proceeding from all the above, it becomes clear that choosing a geyner or protein is, of course, best to combine these two supplements.

Gainers are more suitable for women who have a lean body structure. It is the use of this product will increase the body weight and muscles. And if you do not have time to grab a bite, you can simply support your body with a cocktail-geynerom.

But, women with a tendency to fullness, you must be careful, using high-carbohydrate supplements, and at most take the protein .

If you are actively engaged in the gym, then a full-fledged healthy food and a balanced diet will not provide the body with all the necessary microelements. Here, then, protein and geyner come to the rescue, which will help to speed up the recovery of the body and supplement the nutrition with the necessary amount of calories.

There are also options for how to combine protein and geyner at the same time. Reception should be carried out in an equal, proportional ratio. In this case, your body will be provided with the right amount and energy, and protein material. The most important thing in combination of these supplements is to correctly determine the required dose. It must be remembered that geynery and proteins belong to food additives, and their excessive use can lead to stomach upset and other problems of the digestive tract. Therefore, it is best to seek advice from a specialist who will consult you competently.