
Therapeutic physical culture is a method of healing based on the principles of movement and proper breathing. Exercises of physiotherapy exercises can be performed in sports halls, swimming pools, special simulators. LFK exercises - specially designed gymnastic complex, aimed at treatment and recovery of the body.

Types of exercise therapy

Physiotherapy exercises with gymnastic sticks are indicated for diseases of the cervical spine and upper back, as well as for their prevention. Such exercises can be performed both in specially equipped halls and at home.

Therapeutic physical training in the pool is aimed at rehabilitation after back injuries, with back pain and osteochondrosis. Also, motor activity in water will be very useful for people suffering from cerebral palsy.

Therapeutic exercise for weight loss contains exercises that activate the metabolism, enhancing blood flow in certain places and lymphatic drainage. Often the complex of exercises of exercise therapy for weight loss consists of elements of yoga and pilates, which help to find harmony of body and spirit.

Therapeutic physical training on simulators is carried out, as a rule, in specialized institutions and under the obligatory control of doctors. The complex of exercise therapy is directed, mainly, to recovery from injuries. Simulators for physiotherapy exercises allow you to develop the muscles of the hands, feet and back. Help restore and strengthen the back muscles for patients after severe fractures, surgeries, various injuries.

Benefits of exercise therapy

In addition to the listed types of exercise therapy, aimed at rehabilitation and rehabilitation, exercise therapy can solve a lot of problems. With its help, treat pneumonia in pregnant women, avoiding the use of antibiotics. It helps to socialize and teach the everyday skills of patients with such diagnoses as cerebral palsy and Down's syndrome. LFK facilitates the life of many chronic patients, for example, people suffering from asthma.

The benefits of exercise therapy have been scientifically proven and successfully applied in medicine.