Cold drops

Effective drug from the common cold at all stages are drops. Today, all pharmaceutical companies produce many different drops that differ in their medicinal properties, purpose and, of course, quality. We will try to figure out which drops from the cold are better.

Drops from a cold with an antibiotic

The composition of such drugs is an antibiotic, because of which the medicine immediately acts on the source of infection and prevents the development of infection. In this case, a special substance in the composition of many drops contributes to the expansion of blood vessels and removes the swelling of the mucous membrane, which not only restores breathing, but also reduces discomfort in the nose: itching and dryness. But drops from the rhinitis with antibiotic have one significant drawback - they adversely affect the beneficial microflora of the upper respiratory tract, which contributes to a decrease in immunity. For this reason, when using the drug, the doctor prescribes vitamins or a medicine that supports immunity. It is also important that the patient strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations and do not break the dosage, otherwise other side effects of the drug will appear.

Among all such preparations it is worth noting the following:

The peculiarity of the preparation Isophra lies in the fact that it contains a solution of framicetin. This type of antibiotic can not cope with all microbes, namely against anaerobic microbes it is powerless. Therefore, before using these drops in your nose, consult a doctor. In no case can Isophra be used for self-treatment, otherwise therapy can have the opposite effect and harm the body.

Bioparox contains fusafungin in its composition, therefore the drug is considered potent. But because of some features of the body, the medicine may not be effective at all, so the doctor in the first two days of using Bioparox by the patient, I must observe it and follow changes, which, however, are palpable to the patient himself. If there is no improvement, it is necessary to change the medicine.

Drops from an allergic rhinitis

An allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction to the irritant that you inhaled. There are two types of reaction:

More often effective drops from an allergic rhinitis have vasoconstrictive effect. Among a number of drugs with this property, the most popular are:

Despite the fact that these drugs are considered "first aid" and are often bought without a doctor's prescription, patients misuse them, that is, they are buried in the nose too often and use a sufficiently long period, which is absolutely not desirable for the microflora of the body, and can also negatively affect on the nasal mucosa and nasopharynx.

Naphthyzine should be applied no more than a week, while digging in 1-3 drops 3-4 times a day, otherwise you can cause irritation of the mucosa or other side effects that can worsen the condition. Xylenol is not used for more than 3-5 days. Burying is necessary once or twice a day.

Nasol is applied three times a day for one to two injections and also no more than five days.

Ximelin, unlike the previous ones, you can apply no more than a week, 1-3 times a day.

Homeopathic drops from the cold

Curative homeopathic drops are a potent drug, but they are often dispensed in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Homeopathic drops have the following properties:

The most popular product of this series is Euphorbium Compositum. It is used for genyantritis and acute form of rhinitis and sinusitis. The peculiarity of this medicine lies in the fact that it acts slowly enough, but as a result Euforbium produces the expected effect.

To summarize, it can be said that the common cold is most often a symptom of the disease, so in order to cure it, it is necessary to find out the cause of the rhinitis and only then start treatment. Otherwise, even good drops from the common cold can harm, and not help.