Wenheads on the head - the causes

Wen is a subcutaneous seal of benign nature. Lipomas on the head most often appear in the frontal zone, and somewhat less often on the scalp. Education can be at any age, and although it does not cause any painful feelings, there is a clear desire to get rid of zhirovik. In addition, the appearance of lipoma on the head is dangerous complications, because there are a lot of blood vessels, there is also a risk of degeneration of the wen in a malignant tumor - liposarcoma. To successfully combat fatty tumors, it is important to know why the adipose grows on the head, and what kinds of lipomas exist.

Classification by lip

Weners differ in composition:

From lipofibromas to get rid easier, even experts recommend to remove small, recently appeared subcutaneous formations from adipose tissue to try to use recipes of traditional medicine. Miolipomes, as well as large and chronic lipofibromas can remove a specialist by excising adipose tissue. At present, radiowaves or a laser are used to get rid of unaesthetic formations. At the same time, the hair on the head is not shaved, which is very important for women who lead a rich social life. Large-sized lipomas are removed through the incision endoscopically.

The causes of the appearance of Wen's head

There are several reasons for the formation of Wen's children on the head. The appearance of a neoplasm can be caused by:

A special place among the causes of the appearance of adipose tissue on the head is the hereditary predisposition. Patients who are prone to lyme formation along with genes often have lipomatosis - multiple wenights of different sizes.

Important! Regardless of why the adipes appear on the head, a cytologic examination should be performed to make sure that the developed tumor does not contain cancer cells.