Calf legs are sick - what to do?

To think about what to do if the calves of the legs hurt, it is not so often as treating the headache or, for example, toothache. Therefore, when faced with a problem, people feel absolutely helpless.

Why can calf legs hurt?

Something to do with heavily aching legs may be due to various reasons. It is believed that having to the appearance of unpleasant sensations are:

What should I do if the calves of my legs ache very much?

If discomfort does not give you rest and do not go away for several weeks, you should contact a specialist. The first thing you need to do is find out what the calves of your feet are hurting. A comprehensive examination can help in this. A number of studies will exclude some more serious reasons.

After the diagnosis is established, treatment is prescribed. As a rule, therapy involves the use of special balms and creams that bring the norm of vascular tone.

Here's what else you can do with pain in the left or right leg calf:

  1. Compression stockings help a lot to cope with the problem.
  2. It is very desirable to abandon the regular wearing of shoes at too high a heel.
  3. Do not interfere with professional foot massage.
  4. Make time for regular walks.
  5. Useful for pain in calf pouring and contrast shower.
  6. If at work you have to sit for a long time, arrange for yourself a short workout.
  7. Revise your diet and add foods containing vitamin E.
  8. Help to improve the baths on herbs.