How to use goji berries?

Recently there has been a real boom in demand for goji berries. On the Internet, a huge number of reviews and photos that testify to the miraculous power of these amazing berries in weight loss issues. What kind of fruits and how great is their ability to withstand superfluous kilograms - let's figure it out.

Use of goji berries for weight loss

Behind the mysterious Chinese name "goji" is a variety of common barberry Lycium Barbarum. A shrub grows, which fructifies so well-known berries in the northwestern provinces of China.

In contrast to the usual barberry , these berries actually have unusual and very useful properties. In addition to the fact that berries are rich in vitamins, they contain substances that fight a variety of ailments:

As you can see, the berries are really unique, and that is why they became so popular among all those who want to build up so quickly. How to properly use goji berries, the first to find out the Chinese. They add goji to almost all dishes, make wine, eat just like that. After official scientific research, nutritionists drew attention to the fruits of goji. They have developed recommendations on how to use goji for weight loss.

It turned out that the best result is achieved if brewed berries. A ready-made broth is recommended to drink before each meal.

It is equally useful to add goji to dairy products - yogurts, cottage cheese , kefir.

Use of goji berries is possible not only for weight loss, but also in order to prevent the appearance of excess weight. In this case, they can be added to salads, second courses and cereals.

There are practically no contraindications to goji fruits, but the benefits are undeniable. The only ones who are not recommended to consume these berries are people suffering from peptic ulcer who survived the operation on the digestive tract. The reason for this is the high content of acids that irritate the gastric mucosa. In this case, it is better to limit the use of unsaturated broths.

You can decide for yourself how to use goji. In any case, their use will help you improve your figure and positively affect your well-being.