Calorie content of fat

Salo is a favorite by many products and an excellent snack. It is a salted or smoked pork fat, sometimes with meat interlayers. Soft, well-prepared lard has a very rich, pleasant taste. However, the calorie content of this product is quite high, and it is not possible for every person to include it in the diet.

How many calories are in salted fat?

Classic lard is made by the method of salting - either by dry technology or in saline solution. Depending on the ratio of the meat and fat layers, the energy value can vary, but on average 100 grams of fat accounts for 797 kcal (of which only 2.4 g of protein and 89 g of fat). This is twice as much as in a fatty butter cake! This product is strictly prohibited for those who are obese or struggling with excess weight. High fat fat makes it a heavy product that not everyone can afford.

Caloric content of smoked bacon

Another popular option is smoked bacon. It is somewhat easier, because in the process of smoking, part of the fat is heated. On 100 g of product there are 767 kcal, of which 1.51 g of protein, 50.77 g of fat and 1.56 g of carbohydrates. It also can not be eaten by losing weight, so as not to slow the process of weight loss.

Caloric content of roasted fat

Some people like to eat fried fat, this dish is also called "cracklings". The calorie content of such a product is 754 kcal per 100 grams, of which 1.8 g of protein and 84 g of fat. For people who are prone to fatness or slimming, this dish is absolutely not suitable. Of course, the fat cooked in this way contains less calories, but it is still an inadmissible fatty product.

Composition and calorie content of fat

Caloric content of fat is very high due to the fact that this product is almost entirely composed of fats. However, it is Due to this, it contains many fat-soluble vitamins : A, E and D. When entering the body together with fat, they are perfectly absorbed by the body, improving the condition of the hair, nails, skin and complexion. Therefore, if you do not have excess weight, this product is desirable to include in the winter diet - literally 1-2 times a month is enough to help the body defeat virus diseases and strengthen immunity.

In addition, fat contains a large number of fatty acids, which normalize the activity of the thyroid gland and remove cholesterol from the body. Also in it there is a large amount of selenium - a substance that is necessary for athletes, smokers and pregnant women. In general, this is a useful product, but in its use it is important to know the measure.