Jeju Oceanarium

In the South Korean city ​​of Jeju on Jeju Island is located one of the largest aquariums (Aqua Planet Jeju) in Asia. Here come tourists who want, being in absolute safety, to see sharks and rays from a short distance.

Description of sight

The volume of all the tanks in the aquarium is 10 800 tons, its height reaches 8.5 m (which corresponds to a 3-story house), the width is 23 m, and the wall thickness is 60 cm. Thanks to such dimensions and crystal clear acrylic glasses in the Jeju Oceanarium The effect of 3D and full immersion is created.

In order to build this design, the government of the island spent about $ 10 billion. The oceanarium is divided into small sections in which visitors can see:

In some aquariums, tiny shrimps swim, and in others - huge stingrays and sharks. You can see predators through the tunnel and windows-portholes. In a separate basin a contact zone is set up where you can touch the fish and the sea lion named Boria with your hands.

Representations in the Jeju Oceanarium

On hand, all guests are given brochures, which indicate the place and time of the show programs. Also, this information is broadcast on special displays throughout the premises. The representation in the aquarium includes 3 stages:

  1. Performance of dolphins and fur seals. This is a bright concert with music, contests and lighting effects.
  2. Synchronized swimming of athletes. The room is a water fairy tale with acrobats (mermaids and pirates). They jump over the ring at a 16-meter height. By the way, these artists are Russian speakers.
  3. Feeding sharks. The diver descends into a huge aquarium and gives out meat to sea predators. This sight is not for the faint-hearted tourists.

What else is in the Jeju Oceanarium?

To educate visitors and educate children on the premises of the institution:

It should be borne in mind that the exhibits, like the cinema, are presented in English and Korean. If you are tired and want to have a snack, then visit the restaurant Aqua Planet Terrace. It is located on the 1st floor, the main reference point for the search will be huge flying mantles. The restaurant prepares international cuisine, portions here are very large and tasty.

Features of visit

The Jeju Oceanarium is open every day at any time of the year from 10:00 and until 19:00, and on Saturday until 20:50. It is best to come here before opening, until the buses come. The cost of admission is $ 35, children under 3 years free of charge.

In order to purchase a 20% discount, tourists can ask for a special coupon at the hotel reception . In the Jeju Oceanarium, there is an electronic queue for buying a ticket, so you can take the coupon in advance. The tour usually takes at least 3 hours.

Near the entrance to the institution is a beach where you can swim. On the coast there is a racetrack. Here you can add your positive emotions by riding on horses.

How to get there?

You can get to Jeju Oceanarium from any points of the island by public transport , which leaves from Seogwipo bus station. From here, buses number 700, 201, 210 and 110 go to the landmark . The stop is called Sinyang-ri Entrance. From it to the aquarium will need to go about 1 km.