Cubital canal syndrome - how to regain mobility of the hand?

Probably everyone knows the feeling when, after a blow that has come to the back of the elbow, an acute pain spreads all over his hand. If you press on the nerve all the time, the syndrome of the cubital canal develops. This problem leads to disruption of the passage of nerve impulses and is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms.

Cubital canal syndrome - what is it?

This disease is common. The syndrome of the cubital canal is a syndrome of compression of the ulnar nerve. The latter passes along the inner surface of the elbow joint. In the area behind the largest bulging bone, the ulnar nerve closest to bone tissue and skin. Because of this, people, hitting the elbow, and feel a sharp sweeping pain, reaching the fingertips. And the more pressure on the nerve becomes, the more distinctly tingling, numbness and soreness is felt.

The syndrome of the cubital canal is developed for various reasons. Among the main ones, one can single out the following:

  1. Multiple injuries. This reason is considered the most common. When making monotonous, often repeated flexions - elbow extensions, the tendon arch becomes inflamed, and its edges become much thicker. As a consequence, the channel narrows.
  2. Fracture. Injuries of the elbows or lower arm are capable of altering the anatomical features of the cubital canal. To the similar consequences can lead and the formation of spurs, cysts. Therefore, often the syndrome of the cubital canal develops against a background of strong elbow strikes.
  3. Continuous pressure on the ulnar nerve. Often the syndrome occurs in drivers and office workers who spend a lot of time leaning on their elbows.

Cubital syndrome - symptoms

Among the early signs of the disease - numbness of the inner part of the hand, ring finger and little finger, which sometimes grows into soreness. Symptoms of this kind are manifested after a prolonged elbow stay in the compressed - bent - position. The brush is practically not bent, it is very difficult to pull it aside.

At later stages, there are signs of pronounced cubital syndrome. There is a sinking of the interosseous muscles, the movement of the thumb is difficult, the grip is weakened. And all these symptoms over time only become more intense. If suspicions of the syndrome of the cubital - ulnar - canal do not pass for a month, it is advisable to visit a specialist urgently.

Injury of the ulnar nerve - treatment at home

If it could be determined at an early stage, then with a disease such as the syndrome of the cubital canal, treatment is supposed to be conservative. The first thing to do is change the load on the elbow joint. If the latter is less likely to bend and unbend, the pressure on the nerve will decrease. For the night, in order to avoid gouging, it is desirable to fix the joint with tires. I'll have to watch for the elbow to remain unbent, behind the wheel and in front of the computer.

Disease of the cubital nerve syndrome medication also presupposes. Patients are usually prescribed:

Massage with entrapment of the ulnar nerve

Before treating the syndrome of the cubital canal, it is necessary to consult with a specialist. Most doctors recommend combining medication with massage. This procedure helps to reduce muscle tension. Achieved the effect by improving blood circulation and lymph drainage. In addition, massage reduces edema in soft tissues and restores their nerve conduction, stimulates metabolism, increases muscle tone.

Elbow Nerve Exercise Exercises

In most cases exercise becomes an integral part of therapy. To treat a cumulative syndrome with the help of sports workouts is simple, but effective. Perform all exercises should be sitting. The elbows must be 90 degrees to the surface of the table. The complex consists of such exercises:

  1. Eliminate the tunnel syndrome of the cubital canal by moving your fingers. First they should be taken up and down in turn. The next stage is the implementation of rotational movements. Finals - all fingers, except the big one, drop and go up.
  2. It is necessary to squeeze the phalanxes of the fingers heavily on the sore arm, even if it requires the overcoming of pain.
  3. The last exercise - the removal of fingers (each in turn) to the side. If necessary, you can help yourself with a healthy hand.

Cubital canal syndrome - treatment with folk remedies

One of the most useful folk remedies is red clay. In it, you need to add a few drops of vinegar, roll it into a cake and apply to the sick elbow for the night. Three days later, the entrapment of the ulnar nerve begins to pass. If necessary, clay can be replaced with a sheet of horseradish. This means works the same way, but it needs to be wrapped with a warm kerchief for greater efficiency.

Cubital ulnar nerve syndrome - operation

When conservative treatment in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures is ineffective, in the diagnosis of the syndrome of the cubital canal, the operation is appointed. The main goal of surgical intervention is to eliminate nerve compression. You can treat the cubital nerve syndrome in two ways:

  1. Transposition of the nerve - involves the formation of a new channel.
  2. You can also free space in the channel by moving the medial nadir.