Erythremia - symptoms, treatment

Erythremia is a chronic leukemia, in which there is a rapid growth of bone marrow tissue. In this case, excessive formation of blood components is observed. Erythemia, the symptoms and treatment of which are discussed in the article, is dangerous because the blood supply slows down and thrombi form, which can cause hypoxia.

Symptoms of Erythremia

Pathology develops gradually. At first the patient feels weakness, itching of the skin after taking water procedures, visiting the pool, tinnitus, clouding in the eyes, a significant increase in pressure. Then the most characteristic signs of erythremia are found:

A consequence of a delayed blood flow may be heart attacks, thrombosis of large arteries and manifestations of the mucosa of the duodenal ulcer and stomach.

Blood test for erythremia

To make the diagnosis, the doctor should not only take into account the patient's complaints, but also assign blood donation to him to identify the content of its main components. For the presence of pathology may indicate:

Traditional treatment of erythremia

In general, the fight against the disease is aimed at reducing the number of red blood cells by bloodletting. After several procedures, iron deficiency is noted, as a result of which the balance of red blood cells comes back to normal.

To radical methods carry carrying out of actions on oppression of activity of an osteal brain.

Treatment of erythremia with folk remedies

Great importance is given to nutrition and the regime of the day. The patient should abandon the products that increase the volume of blood, for example, the liver, enriching the diet with plant food. You can use some home methods, but only after consulting with your doctor:

  1. Juice from the flowers of chestnut is used for thrombosis.
  2. Broths of nettle, cemetery, periwinkle promote the expansion of blood vessels.
  3. Adjust the pressure will help infusion drug .