Mode of diet for weight loss

Many girls, trying to lose weight quickly, throw it, as if it's a bad habit. However, limiting themselves to eating, they do only worse. It would seem that if you cut back on the amount of energy consumed, the body will have to take it from deferred "stores" at the waist. But here there is a nuance - if between meals there is too much time (more than 4-5 hours), the body perceives this as the opposite signal to the need to postpone the "stock" of fat. "Once you feed is unstable, you need to make sure" - this is how our body is built.

That is why it is necessary to establish a rational diet.

Let's see what the rational diet means. It's not just about a certain time of eating, but about the right diet, which includes all the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

The organization of a diet and strict observance of this schedule allow to improve a metabolism. The body "remembers" at what time it will be breakfast, lunch and dinner and reacts accordingly. You will even wake up easier, precisely because the body in advance will begin to prepare for the morning meal.

How to make a diet?

Experts recommend eating more often, but less. For example, your daily rate can be about 1200 to 1600 calories (if you are engaged in manual labor). Make a pre-set menu the next day and break the calories into 5-6 receptions, the break between which is no more than 3 hours. Breakfast is necessary rather tightly no later than 2 hours after the ascent. The dinner should be rather easy. The diet for weight loss does not require follow the popular myth of "not eating after 18". If you go to bed hours closer to midnight, and even later it does not suit you. Enough time for dinner for 2-3 hours before sleep.

Athlete's diet

The diet and diet of people who are actively involved in sports is somewhat different, since it is necessary to take into account the schedule of training. You can not engage in a hungry or full stomach, in the first case, the body has nowhere to take energy, in the second - this is a great discomfort. Therefore, the entire diet regime for weight loss should be adjusted so that food intake is 2 hours before training and only after 1.5-2 after it. If, after the session, hunger suffers, you need to eat a little defatted cottage cheese or chicken fillet.

Important! The diet should not be violated, it is not an express diet for several days, it's a new way of life, and it needs to be followed at all times.