How to recognize a witch?

At the time of the Inquisition, they were burned at the stake, recognizing by special marks on the body, left, as then believed, by the devil's claws. Any woman with red hair and strange by some standards of behavior could undeservedly ruin. Today, everything has changed and judging the telecasts in which witches appear, outwardly they are no different from ordinary people. How to recognize a witch is in this article.

How to recognize a witch in our time?

There is a mass of ancient superstitions that a witch can turn to a frog or a snake, fly to a coven and be invisible in the church. All these tales can be left for children, but how really one can know a witch among people:

  1. They have a special look, which not everyone can withstand. Many who felt it on themselves, said that they ran through the skin of the frost, squeezed both the grip of the weight, dizzy, felt some heat, etc.
  2. A special style of clothes. Witches definitely love black and often use it. In addition, they can be issued with original accessories, for example, earrings in the form of claws, pendants or talismans with images of incomprehensible secret signs, etc.
  3. Those who are interested in how to recognize a witch in appearance, it is worth noting that this is far from a hunched old woman with a hooked nose. Such women are attractive or as they say "manki". Not all of them have beauty, but absolutely everyone is confident in themselves, they are distinguished by special magnetism.
  4. If you can get to the witch in the house, then there you can find the most diverse attributes that she uses in magical rituals. These include black candles, knives, all kinds of grass, mirrors, etc. Some use internal organs of animals in work.
  5. Of course, in everyday life the witch behaves like an ordinary woman, but with closer communication it turns out that she can predict the future, treat, and simply give reasonable and wise advice.
  6. The personal life of such women rarely develops successfully, because a man next to should if not support his wife in her if you can so say "hobby", then at least treat this calmly.

Those who are interested in how witches know each other, you can answer that they just see a special gift of each, feel the power. Today, there are many communities where people like them communicate, learn new things and learn to reveal their talents . Contrary to popular belief, they can both harm and help an ordinary person.