Reincarnation of the soul - evidence

Reincarnation is the concept of philosophy, according to which after death, the soul of a person passes into another body, continuing its path. This view is held by such religions as Buddhism and Hinduism. To date, there is no way to prove the theory of reincarnation of souls, but still you can hear stories throughout the world that confirm its existence. Attempts to study the process of transmigration of souls were made in ancient times, but all the existing theories are only assumptions.

Is there a reincarnation of the soul?

Scientists, parapsychologists and esotericists have been studying this topic for more than a decade, which has made it possible to put forward several theories. There are people who believe that the soul is not reincarnated, but the spirit of man. According to this theory, the soul has a connection only with a concrete incarnation, but the spirit consists of a huge number of souls formed after numerous reincarnations.

Theories about the reincarnation of the transmigration of souls:

  1. It is believed that souls migrate into the body of the opposite sex. It is believed that this is necessary to maintain a balance in obtaining spiritual experience, without which development is impossible.
  2. If the soul from the previous reincarnation was closed incorrectly, then this can cause various problems that will remind you of a previous life. For example, it can be manifested in the form of a split personality , excessive manifestation of the qualities of the opposite sex, etc.
  3. Reincarnation of the human soul occurs according to the law of increasing vitality. In simple words, a person's spirit can not, in the next incarnation, move into an animal or an insect. With this theory, few agree, because there are people who claim that reincarnation can occur in any living being.

Is there evidence for the reincarnation of the soul?

As for evidence of the reincarnation of the soul, they are more based on the stories of people who remember some fragments of a previous life. The greater part of humanity has no memories of previous incarnations, but in a few years there has been a lot of evidence of children telling about events that they simply could not know. There is such a hair dryer, called false memories. Surveys were mainly conducted among pre-school children, whose probability of having false memories is minimized. There were cases when the obtained data could be documented and then the information was considered reliable. Most of the facts could be obtained from children between two and six years old. After that, memories of the past disappeared. According to the research, more than half of the children spoke in great detail about their death, which in more than half the cases was violent and occurred about a couple of years before the birth of the child. All this forces scientists not to stop at what has been achieved, trying to reveal the secret of the rebirth of the soul.

Scientists who are engaged in the study of reincarnation, noticed another unusual phenomenon. There are many people on whose body the birthmarks, scars and various defects were found, and they related to the person's memories of past lives. For example, if a person in the previous incarnation was shot, then a scar could appear on his new body. By the way, studies have shown that the birthmarks on the body remained exactly from the deadly wounds received in a past life.

Analyzing all of the above, it is impossible to give one exact answer about how the soul reincarnation occurs. All this allows each person to independently determine which theory is closer to his convictions and concepts.