Sense of anxiety

Unfortunately, a sense of fear and anxiety never appears just like that. There must necessarily be situations and prerequisites for the emergence of doubts. Understand that there is no causeless sense of alarm!

Causes of feelings of anxiety

The most basic cause of anxiety and fear is uncertainty about something.

Variants of the causes that caused discomfort, a huge number. For each person they are individual. Because people are different, then the perception of problems is also different. Someone will step over and go on, but someone will fixate on this and will greatly experience. One person will see the problem huge and terrible, and to another it will seem ridiculous. Remember that everything goes through - there are no desperate situations.

Unreasonable sense of anxiety

Each person throughout his life encountered an inexplicable sense of anxiety. For example, a mother sometimes has a sudden sense of anxiety for her child. Experiences are manifested on an intuitive level. To outsiders this may seem unfounded. But the heart of a woman is restless because of her thoughts and feelings. This once again proves that everything has a cause and effect. Look for the source.

But a constant sense of anxiety indicates a serious problem. And until the moment when she does not dare, most likely, this unpleasant feeling will not leave you. Start acting, immediately.

How to deal with a sense of anxiety?

  1. Solve the problem. Your brain needs to know that you are taking any action. Then it will become calmer.
  2. Distract. Forcing myself not to think about what worries is an incredibly difficult task. Therefore, you need to force yourself to want it. Do what you like; think about what's relaxing.
  3. Do not stay alone. One is harder to cope with. In addition, in an alarmed state, you tend to exaggerate. You should not wind yourself with non-existent problems.
  4. Remember about the questions you have already solved. Most likely, you will notice that you were also worried before. But everything went well - in 60% of cases your fear was in vain. At least, you can rejoice that it is already behind. You survived, you are a hero!
  5. Think about the fact that you are the mistress of your life. Everything depends on you, everything will be as you want.
  6. And in general, your life is quite successful. If you compile a list of positive and negative, you will notice that the number of "good" is much more prevalent!
  7. Defend yourself. Provide such conditions to feel safe.
  8. Remember that you live, enjoy it. Rethink the situation.

How to get rid of feelings of anxiety?

Everything is relative. Imagine the worst that could happen. Then you will understand that not everything is so bad.

  1. There is no thin without good. Think about it.
  2. DO NOT do self-destruction. Do not blame yourself. Everything happened as it should have happened.
  3. Keep calm and self-control. Breathe exactly.
  4. Make a clear plan of action. Write it. Then you make sure that there are ways to solve your problem. Decide on the most productive.
  5. Do not run from the problem.

A constant sense of anxiety - treatment

  1. Any physical exercise will benefit you. Relax massage will help. Be in constant motion.
  2. Give up alcohol. Caffeine and nicotine are undesirable. Try to refrain from chocolate. All of the above increases the level of anxiety.

The treatment of a sense of anxiety is handled by a qualified specialist who will help you cope with it. In case of difficulties, ask for help from a regular psychologist.

Be healthy!