Transfer of embryos with IVF

The transfer of embryos in IVF is a standard procedure and one of the most significant stages of artificial insemination. Before this, the embryologist performs a daily check and assessment of the state of the embryos, which includes fixing such important parameters as: their number and quality, the presence of deviations and the rate of development.

Preparation for transfer of embryos

Depending on the phase of development in which the fertilized eggs are located, the date of their transfer will depend on them. Normally, it falls on 2-5 days from the beginning of cultivation. As a rule, the patient has already undergone all preparatory medical procedures. A woman must come half an hour before the embryo transfer session. The presence of a husband or a close person is allowed. A light breakfast is allowed without heavy drinking, which will help to avoid discomfort in the bladder area. Before the moment of transportation it is necessary to specify the number of transferred blastocysts. The future mother has the opportunity to see their photographic image.

How does the embryo transfer into the uterine cavity?

After clarifying all the exciting issues, the embryologist begins to take the embryos into a special plastic catheter with a syringe connected to it. The woman needs to sit comfortably in the gynecological chair, after which the gynecologist uncovers the cervix with the help of mirrors and inserts the catheter into the genital organ. After that embryos are literally injected into the uterus, and a woman is recommended to lie down for 40-45 minutes on the armchair. The embryologist checks the catheter for the presence of the remaining embryos and invites the couple to freeze extra blastocysts. This is necessary if there is a need for repeated IVF.

What happens after the embryo transfer?

After the mini-operation is completed, a woman receives a sheet of disability and clear instructions from the doctor regarding her further behavior. It is necessary to take preparations containing the synthetic hormone progesterone , and their dose is doubled. Occurrence of insignificant selections is possible. Diagnosis of pregnancy falls on the 14th day after the transfer.

Transfer of cryopreserved embryos

If the first attempt was unsuccessful, a woman can use her frozen blastocysts. For this, it is necessary to have a clear natural or medically established ovulation cycle, on the 7th-10th day of which the embryos will be transferred after cryopreservation .