Laparoscopy and pregnancy

Laparoscopy is one of the surgical operations, which is widely used, both for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. It is thanks to this method that many women have the opportunity to get rid of various gynecological problems quite quickly and easily. Moreover, laparoscopy is also performed during pregnancy.

When is laparoscopy performed during the current pregnancy?

Laparoscopy, performed during pregnancy, is not uncommon. Due to the fact that such manipulation takes a little time, as well as rapid postoperative recovery and low pain intensity, this operation practically does not harm neither the woman nor the fetus.

The most favorable time for laparoscopy is the 2nd trimester. The fact is that it is during this period that organogenesis (the process of laying the organs of the fetus) is completed, while the uterus has small dimensions. That is why conducting laparoscopy in the early stages of pregnancy is extremely undesirable and is carried out only with acute indications. It is very important to choose the right drug for anesthesia and accurately calculate its dosage.

The main difference between laparoscopy and standard surgical intervention is that this method minimizes the risk of premature birth .

How does laparoscopy affect the onset of a subsequent pregnancy?

A very burning issue that interests many women is the planning of pregnancy after a laparoscopy.

In this situation, the probability of pregnancy depends primarily on the type of pathology that has been treated with a laparoscope. If you believe statistics, the frequency of pregnancy after a recent laparoscopy is this:

As can be seen from the above data, the probability of pregnancy after laparoscopy is quite high.

However, in the case of laparoscopy on the fallopian tubes, it is possible to have postoperative adhesions that will interfere with the onset of pregnancy. That is why many doctors recommend that women who want to have children should not be delayed and try to get pregnant right after the operation, when the recovery period is over and all post-operative examinations are completed.