The second coming of Christ - what does the Bible and the prophets say?

Many have heard of the second coming of Christ, but not everyone knows what exactly will happen, what signs of this event and what outcome one should expect. About this event much is said in the Bible and many predictors told about it.

What is the second coming of Christ?

In Orthodoxy profess an important truth, which indicates that Jesus will come to earth one more time. This information was reported by the angels of the Apostles more than 2 thousand followers at the time when the Savior ascended to heaven. The second coming of Jesus Christ will be completely different than the first. He will come to earth as a spiritual king in the divine light.

  1. It is believed that by this time each person will make a choice on which side to become good or evil.
  2. In addition, the second coming of Christ will happen after the dead are resurrected, and the living will be transformed. The souls of people who have already died, connect with their bodies. After this, there will be a division into the Kingdom of God and Hell.
  3. Many are interested, Jesus Christ at the second coming will be a man or appear in a different way. According to the existing information the Savior will be in the human body, but it will look different and his name will be different. This information can be found in Revelation.

Signs of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

In the Bible and other sources, you can find a description of the signs that "time X" is approaching. Each person is himself determined to believe in him whether the second coming of Christ will be or not, it all depends on the strength of faith.

  1. The gospel will be spread throughout the world. Although modern mass media distribute the text of the Bible, millions of people have never heard of this book. Before Christ returns to earth, the gospel will be spread everywhere.
  2. Determining what will be the second coming of Christ, it is worth noting that there will be the appearance of false prophets and Savior, who will spread false teachings. In the example, you can bring different psychics and magicians, whom the church calls manifestation of devilry.
  3. One of the signs is the fall of morality . Because of the growth of lawlessness, many people cease to love not only each other, but also the Lord. People will betray, children will rise up against their parents and so on.
  4. Finding out when the second coming of Christ is expected, it is worth pointing out that before this event on earth there will be wars and disasters. Natural cataclysms are also inevitable.
  5. The devil will send the Antichrist to the earth before the second coming.

The second coming of Jesus Christ - when will this happen?

When the Savior himself spoke of his own return, he claimed that no one knows when this will happen, neither the angels nor the saints, but only the Lord God. It is on your own to understand when the second coming of Jesus Christ will be possible, since the Bible contains a description of the events that will necessarily occur before this great day. Believers who are close to the Lord will receive a sign that Jesus will soon come to earth before the events described in the Bible.

What will happen after the second coming of Christ?

The main idea of ​​Jesus' re-coming to earth is a universal trial of people - not only alive, but also dead. The second coming of Jesus Christ will be the complete opposite of the Incarnation. After that, worthy people and the souls of the dead will inherit the eternal Kingdom, and those who have sinned will be subject to torment. It is believed that after this great event heaven and earth will unite, except for the sphere where God is with the celestials. There is also an indication in the Bible that the earth and heaven will be created in a new way.

The second coming of Christ - what does the Bible say?

Many are looking for information about the appearance of the Savior in the most important source for believers - the Bible. The Gospel states that before the end of the world comes Jesus will come to the earth, who will perform a just trial, and he will touch both the living and the dead. When the second coming of Christ comes according to the Bible it is not clear, in terms of the exact date, since this information is known only to the Lord.

The Second Coming of Christ - prophecy

Many well-known prophets predicted a great event when Jesus comes to earth and all sinners will pay for what they have done, and believers will receive a reward.

  1. Predictions of the second coming of Christ were given by the biblical prophet Daniel. He spoke of the date of this event, even before Jesus first appeared. Researchers, who deciphered the predictions, determined the approximate date - it is 2038 year. Daniel claimed that after the reappearance of Christ, people who do not receive the seal of the beast will live for another thousand years with Jesus on earth.
  2. Edgar Casey offers two prophecies. The first option indicates that in 2013 in America the church was supposed to recognize the Christ in a child of nine years, but, as we see, this prediction did not materialize. According to the second version, the Messiah will appear in the same image and age, in which he was crucified on the cross. This event will occur in the late XX - early XXI century. He made one more clarification that it would happen after the Atlanta library was found under the Egyptian Sphinx.

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ - Revelation of John the Divine

One of the apostles in his sermons told us that Christ will necessarily descend to the earth for the second time, but he will no longer be a humiliated son of man, as it was for the first time, but as the true Son of God. He will be surrounded by angel servants. The prophecies about the second coming of Jesus Christ indicate that this event will be terrible and formidable, as it will not save, but will judge the world.

The apostle does not say when this event will occur, but he points to some signs of a great event. This concerns the impoverishment of faith and love in people. He confirms many prophecies of the Old Testament that numerous cataclysms will roll across the earth and signs will be seen in the sky. At that moment, it will be possible to see a sign in the sky about the appearance of the Son of the Lord.

The Prophecy of Nostradamus on the Second Coming of Christ

The well-known predictor described events of the future not only verbally, but also through drawings, the number of which is enormous.

  1. One of the images shows how Jesus descends from the sky, and around him there are many angels.
  2. Nostradamus on the second coming of Christ says that when this happens, the church first does not recognize the new Messiah. This is explained by the fact that many priests have already profaned their souls, so they simply will not be able to recognize Jesus.
  3. Another image shows the Savior and the warrior who directs his sword to his face. Nostradamus wanted to say that many people and social groups will not accept the second coming of Christ and will resist him, but the Lord will stand up for him.
  4. Another picture shows that the new Messiah will be quite ordinary, that is, not standing out among ordinary people.

Wanga about the second coming of Christ

A famous prophetess helped people through prayers and she was often asked if she had seen Jesus. Vanga often told about the second coming of Christ, which will happen in the near future. Jesus will descend to Earth in his white robes and the chosen people will feel with their heart that an important time is coming. Vanga argued that the truth should be sought in the Bible, which will help all those who are cleansed and exalted morally.