How to treat herpes in the throat of a child?

In young children, the herpes virus affects various parts of the body, including the tonsils in the throat and the mucous membrane of the mouth. Since this virus has several different types, many of which can provoke a similar ailment, its treatment must be carried out under the strict supervision of the infectious disease doctor. A qualified doctor should identify the cause that triggered the disease, and, depending on the result of the examination, prescribe the necessary treatment.

In this article, we will tell you what signs characterize herpes in the throat of a child, and how to treat this disease correctly, in order to quickly eliminate the crumbs from these unpleasant symptoms.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Usually the herpes virus in the throat of a child is characterized by the following symptoms:

How to cure herpes in the throat of a child?

Treatment of herpes in the throat of a child, especially the breast, should begin at an early stage. If you delay the intake of the necessary antiviral drugs, the disease will almost instantly become chronic, and the baby will continue to suffer from the symptoms of his unpleasant symptoms.

In the first place, antiviral agents are used to treat this disease, for example, Acyclovir and its analogues, such as Virollex or Zovirax. In the case of a severe course of the disease, such drugs are administered intravenously in a hospital setting, with an easier degree of oral taking pills at home.

In addition, the affected areas must be lubricated with antiviral creams or ointments, in particular, Riodox, Virazol or Oxolin. In some cases, mucous membranes are wiped with hydrogen peroxide. Also, this remedy can gargle.

For rapid removal of intoxication sorbents are used, for example, Enterosgel or Atoxil. Finally, in extreme heat, tools such as Panadol or Nurofen are used.