Signs on July 10

July 10 is considered the day of Samson. Traditionally on this day, haymaking began, and people always turned to the saint so that there was no rain, and there was the opportunity to dry the grass safely.

People's signs on July 10

The peasants on this day not only engaged in haymaking, but also plowed steam lands. On that day, well-off people handed out charities, since it was believed that the more you give on July 10, the more you will receive within a year. Every housewife considered it her duty to cook porridge and leave it under the window so that poor people and strangers could satisfy their hunger.

Signs of the day on July 10:

  1. If it rained on that day, it was believed that it would last for another seven weeks and until the Indian summer would be wet.
  2. On this day, sharpened sickles, to soon collect wheat.
  3. If the haymaking is damp, then you should expect bad weather.
  4. The approach of black curly clouds, alternating with dark stripes, indicates that there will soon be a thunderstorm.
  5. To see on that day a rainbow across the river, then there will be a strong wind.
  6. According to the existing signs, the wedding on July 10 will create a strong and happy family .
  7. Fish in the aquarium began to rush, which means that soon a thunderstorm will begin.
  8. About bad weather is shown by a dragonfly, which flies by jerks and strongly pops its wings.
  9. Standing out oxalic juice means that in a couple of days there will be heavy rain.
  10. When the day of Samson is warm and sunny, then the same weather will be another week.
  11. If a lot of hay, then there will be a good harvest of buckwheat.
  12. When the flowers of convolvulus unexpectedly close, it is a harbinger of rain.

In ancient times, people believed that if on that day the horse was sprinkled with holy water, it would retain its efficiency for a long time and live long. Departing on this day on a journey , it is worth praying to Saint Samson to protect him on the road from troubles.