Croton - signs and superstitions

Croton (or in another way koneeum) is an evergreen, perennial ornamental plant from the family of euphorbia. Not only is the unique beauty of the Croton flower, the signs indicate its unique abilities and influence on man.

Opinions usually differ on the question: is it possible to keep croton at home, but the signs regarding this plant state the following:

  1. Croton is a flower with an unusually powerful energy. When you are at home, he will watch closely as a guard, so that negative people who wish evil do not visit your home. The flower behind the verst feels people-the "vampires", capable of harming its masters. Croton, according to superstition, has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere of the house, while clearing the space of negative energy and bringing in it the dimension and order.
  2. To indecisive personalities, Croton helps to believe in yourself and your strength, giving them the opportunity to look at themselves in a new way and their work. Supporting the owner in any endeavors, he has a beneficial effect on the working capacity of a person, helps him to open up creatively, promotes professional development and career growth. In a pessimist person who has such a "pet," his worldview about his personality changes diametrically. If a person previously considered himself worthless, did not believe in his fortune, then he begins to feel his strengths and feel his talents and skills.
  3. For people of art, often suffering from a creative crisis, this plant will be an excellent gift.

Croton and signs

The plant adds prudence and sanity to its owner, regardless of the nature of its activities. The flower will not allow you to commit rash acts, will avoid mistakes in life, teach you to always make the right decision. If you are an amateur do not bring things to a logical conclusion, throw everything in half way - Croton is simply vital to you. This plant is too fond of order and organization in everything, its perfectionism it charges and the owner.

Codyium has a beneficial effect on the physical and spiritual health of a person, protecting him from various diseases.

According to the note, the plant helps to develop the eloquence of man, if a bad diction - a flower will help make it more clear and literate.

Croton helps to harmonize the environment, helps to establish contacts between people. Especially appreciated is the quality of the flower in the working atmosphere, where there are conflicts between colleagues.

Many are interested in what the sign means, connected with the flowering of the croton. This indicates a stressful environment for the flower and an unfavorable atmosphere in the room. But do not take superstitions seriously. Only under favorable conditions, with good care, the croton blossoms, and this primitive does not actually bear any negative.