Sneakers for tennis

Sneakers are one of the important details for all mobile sports. And the selection of running shoes for such a serious sport as tennis should be approached with great care.

As in the case of clothes, special sneakers, both for table tennis and for tennis, are primarily distinguished by high quality and convenience. This is their main purpose. Otherwise, it would not be necessary to invent something specific and everyone would play in the usual sneakers that are worn every day. And you try to suggest dressing such a runner for the next competition? At the very least, he politely declines your offer.

How to choose sneakers for tennis?

All kinds of sneakers for tennis are divided into women's, men's and children's. First you need to decide which tennis shoes you want to buy. In this case, you need to take into account such nuances as cover the court, the time of year, the features of your foot (namely its structure) and, of course, the manufacturer's company.

The main factor that affects the choice of sneakers for tennis is the type of court where the game will be played. For each type of coating, there are certain types of sneakers, the soles of which differ. Among the types of court are:

With a sole for each type of court sorted out. Now let's talk about the features of the structure of the foot. This factor is also important, because you should not feel any discomfort, but be focused on the game. If you picked up sneakers in which it is inconvenient to play, then the adult person can still concentrate. But your child, most likely, it will be unsettling. Therefore, in no case can you buy children's sneakers for playing tennis, independently, without the presence of a child.

Sneakers should be fit, so that the leg and not dangling, and was not squeezed, much less slipped back and forth. But at the same time, consider the fact that tennis sneakers are spreading over time.

The thumb should not rest on the sneaker, so it's best if there's a sneaker between it and the sock, a little free space. This need is due to the fact that when stopping movements, you can injure either the nail or the big toe. In addition, the sole must bend and, at the same time, easily. Otherwise, it will not be so easy for you to move around the court.

We buy tennis sneakers

When buying children's sneakers for tennis, be sure to pay attention to their backdrop. To ensure sufficient fixation, support the foot, and an ankle, it must be well strengthened.

The middle of the tennis shoes shoe is designed in such a way as to protect the knees from shaking during sudden movements that take place during a fairly long game. For this, a special insert is created, which is located between the heel and the foot.

It is better that you have at least two pairs of sneakers for playing tennis. Some for the cold season, and others for the warm season. But in both cases the sneakers should be breathable.

Do not buy tennis shoes for those firms that you have not heard of before. Prepare yourself for the fact that really high-quality shoes will cost you not cheap, but it will last a lot longer.

And one more little rule. Before putting tennis shoes on a game, first you need to carry them out for a little time.