Crunch in the joints - how to get rid of the crunch in the joints with the help of traditional and folk medicine

Such phenomenon as a crunch in joints is characteristic for many, including children, adolescents. Some like to warm up so that everything crackles everywhere, but this seemingly innocuous phenomenon, which does not cause anxiety, can become a harbinger of a serious illness.

Crunch in joints - causes

The phenomenon of physiological character is caused by the following factors:

  1. The accumulation of dissolved gas in the synovial fluid that sweeps the joint surfaces. The clapping sound that appears with increasing gas volume is called cavitation, and it is the norm.
  2. Asking what the crunch in the joints means still, you can answer that it can be a fault of the biomechanics, when a bunch is touching the protruding part of the bone.
  3. Hypermobility of the joints. Increased their mobility can cause such a phenomenon.

Pathological factors that testify to health problems include:

  1. Inflammation of the joints. Bursitis affects the synovial bag, tendonitis - tendons, and arthritis is the pathology of the whole motor apparatus.
  2. Osteoarthritis. This ailment provokes trauma or aging of the body. A crunch in the joints occurs during movement due to a violation in the function of interarticular cartilage.
  3. Excess of salts that strengthen the bones, and with it cause hardening and cartilage along with the muscles.
  4. Injuries.

Is crunching in the joints dangerous?

In the case of a physiological crunch, this does not pose a health hazard. But to ignore such a signal is not worth it, because it can be a sign of the disease, especially if accompanied by pain. If the joints crack with pain, then this indicates a beginning clash in the joint of the bones. In medicine, an increasing number of cases of osteoporosis occur in people in the age group under 25 years. To the hereditary predisposition are added the deterioration of the ecology, nutrition and sedentary lifestyle, which provokes the development of the disease.

Crunch joints - what to do?

Contact a specialist and take a survey. If the pathology is not revealed, the doctor can recommend relieving the joints, to facilitate their work. More often warm up, if the patient is forced to sit for a long time, at a convenient opportunity to place his feet on the hill, and if the neck is stuck, then put a pillow. Interested in how to get rid of the crunch in the joints, you can recommend using special fixing devices and elastic bandages. Resting joint will recover and inflammation will pass.

Ointment from a crunch in the joints

Special creams and gels are designed to relieve inflammation and alleviate the condition of the patient. They include:

If the joints crack without pain, then the use of these drugs is not necessary, because they eliminate the inflammatory process and have analgesic effects and are shown with such ailments as arthritis, arthrosis, sciatica, gout, etc. Although they do not cause frequent significant adverse reactions, have contraindications relating to childhood, pregnancy, lactation, etc.

Tablets from a crunch in joints

Inside the doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . High efficiency is possessed by hondoprotectors, which contain glucosamine and chondroitin. The first stimulates the production of an "emergency" protein, which restores damaged tissue. The second carries the joints water, that is, acts as a lubricant. These preparations from a crunch in joints are intended for use inside, and still they are applied in the form of injections in the amazed area. The course of treatment lasts 10 days and, if necessary, can be repeated.

Vitamins from a crunch in joints

For the regeneration of cartilage and bone material, tocopherol, carotene, B vitamins meet. Among the minerals can be identified calcium, phosphorus, zinc. Those wishing to know how to remove the crunch in the joints, you can give advice to turn your eyes to such dietary supplements as:

  1. "Glucosamine forte." Its composition is enriched with glucosamine, chondroitin, grass root, devil's claw, shark cartilage extract, etc.
  2. "Collagen Ultra". Additive based on collagen.
  3. "Ingoi Enti." This cure for the crunch in the joints consists of an extract of bamboo, glucosamine, chondroitin, etc.
  4. "Calcemin", "Arthro Complex", "ArtriVit". These are vitamin supplements.

Crunch joints - folk remedies

In acute period, when pain and inflammation do not give a normal movement and significantly worsen the quality of life, apply compresses for local treatment, the recipes of which include folk medicine. Here are some of them:

  1. Cut cabbage leaf with boiling water, chop and add a little honey. Cover the affected area with a compound, wrap it with cellophane, top with a bandage and wrap it around with something warm. Do at night every day.
  2. Folk remedies for crunching in the joints include the use of oatmeal cooked on plain water or milk without salt. In a warm form, it is applied to the affected area, fixed with polyethylene, then with a bandage and left for half an hour.
  3. With a crunch in the joints and pain will cope with a mixture of kerosene and fir oil in a ratio of 1: 2. Rub into the affected area at night every day.

Crunch in the joints diet

With this disease it is very important to adhere to the principles of healthy eating . This will be prevention of excess weight, which often causes inflammation of the joints. It is necessary to refuse too salty food, as well as smoked, hot, fried, fatty. The diet of pain in joints involves the use of foods rich in calcium - dairy and fermented milk. Phosphorus can be obtained from fish, and zinc from nuts, pumpkin seeds, seafood. The state of cartilage and tendons is well influenced by cereals, vegetables and fruits. And it's very important to drink a lot of fluids.

Crunch in the joints - gymnastics

With this problem it is useful to perform the following exercises:

  1. In the standing position, perform the rotation of the hands, while turning the head to the left and to the right while turning.
  2. Exercises for crunching in the joints include rotational movements of the trunk, performed at the maximum amplitude.
  3. In the standing position, bring the leg, bent at the knee, to the stomach and fix it for a while. Repeat for another limb.
  4. Standing at the chair and using his back for fixing, perform throws with his foot back and forth.