Borsch without meat

Many people like borsch - a soup of filling type especially popular in Russia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and some other countries of Eastern Europe. This dish harmoniously combines all its ingredients: usually these are vegetables (beets, carrots, cabbage, potatoes), legumes, meat or fish and greens. Also in the borsch can be present cereals, sweet pepper (it is usually added by season) and tomatoes in one form or another. During cooking, borscht gets its own flavor and taste.

In fasting days or for dietary reasons, some refuse meat, so they cook lean borsch. In such cases, two options are possible: borscht of vegetables or the same dish, but with fish (maybe someone will be surprised, but not residents of Scandinavian and Baltic countries, they know a lot about such combinations).

Tell you how to prepare a delicious borsch without meat. So, we prepare vegetables, beans can be used and canned, and a young green frozen, and white cabbage, both fresh and sour (just washed). It is good that the greenery was fresh or it was prepared in advance fresh greens sprinkled with salt.

Moldovan borsch without meat with beans, with beets and sauerkraut - recipe



Beans soak for at least an hour for three, washed and cook almost until ready in a separate bowl.

The right amount of beans is put in a saucepan, we add purified potatoes cut into small cubes, pour all the necessary amount of water (can boiling water) and cook. On the next burner in a frying pan on oil, we pass and weak the beets and carrots cut into small short straws (at least for 15-20 minutes). We pour in a frying pan a little lemon juice or vinegar (1 tablespoon is no more), the sour agent will preserve the color of the beet in the borsch.

We shift the contents of the frying pan into a saucepan, in which potatoes and beans are cooked, we also add washed kvass sauerkraut. We fill borsch with tomato and salted. Cook until ready potatoes, that is, another 3-5 minutes.

Season with hot red pepper, fall asleep finely chopped greens and garlic. Let's stand under the lid for about 5 minutes. We pour the fragrant lean borsch into a serving bowl and serve it to the table. Borsch is well seasoned with sour cream, it is better to serve it separately. Instead of bread, you can serve placids with lean stuffing.

Green borscht without meat with young beans and herring



Herring is divided into fillets and cut into small pieces convenient for eating. Leaves of nettle should be doused with boiling water.

We cut the white part of the stem of the leek onions in circles and Let's save on oil directly in a pan (it is better that it should be a thick-walled stainless steel). Add the young beans and potatoes, cut into small cubes. Fill all with water and cook for 15 minutes. We put into the pan pieces of herring and boil for about 5 minutes - this is quite enough. Add the finely chopped greens to the borsch, including the remaining part of the leek stalk. We hold on the fire for another 1 minute, turn off the fire, acidify with lemon juice and season with chopped garlic. Serve with sour cream.

To borscht as an aperitif it is good to serve a glass of cold vodka, bitter or berry strong tincture.