Types of running

Running takes a huge niche among all kinds of sports, because the varieties of running are enough for every taste. Some kinds of running appeared in antiquity, it was simply the most convenient way for our ancestors to escape from the enemy and the predator. So, millions of years ago, humanity began to run.

Today we do not need to run away from bloodthirsty predators, and we are not bastards ourselves, but the race nevertheless caught on to the opportunity to survive in a world of convenient and fast transport. Did our ancestors, fleeing from the enemies, think that their descendants would someday have nothing to do in the morning?

Let's consider what kinds of running are, what are their features and benefits.

Anaerobic and aerobic

All kinds of sports running can be divided into two categories - anaerobic and aerobic . Anaerobic (meaning, without air) is sprint distances, when an athlete can reach a high speed, but can not keep it for a long time. Anaerobic running exists due to the storage of glycogen in our muscles - this is the fastest source of energy, which is exactly designed for sudden expenditure.

Aerobic (hence, with air) are long distances with medium or slow speed. In aerobic running, the marathon distance is not the limit, and the source of energy is first glycogen, and then fat.

Amateur running

Amateur basic types of running:

Easy running is, in principle, a wellness technique suitable for people of any age and physique. Easy running can be practiced by people of age, as well as those who are obese, since the load on the joints due to low speed is minimal.

Average running - is in demand with most non-professionals. Basically, when people think that they are engaged in jogging (that is, jogging), in fact, he practices average running.

Jogging - here the load on the heart, joints, lungs more, like the speed itself. This run is rarely suitable for people at the age and for obese patients, moreover, the latter is exactly harmful, because with rapid "landings" on the legs, the joints receive a load of 70% of the body weight of a person.

Professional running

Of course, we can not say about what kinds of running exist in professional sports, because in the most important competition of the world - the Olympics, running is almost the leading role.

There are sprinting, running with obstacles, relay race, running for long, medium distances and a marathon.