Scandinavian walking with sticks - how useful and the right technique

There are many sports destinations that have their advantages and disadvantages. There are options that people of different ages can use, while gaining huge benefits for their body. In this group, we can safely refer to Scandinavian walking with sticks.

What is useful for Scandinavian walking?

The presented sports direction is approved by many doctors, since it has a number of important properties. It is established that walking affects a person in a complex manner, without causing harm. It has long been used by many rehabilitation centers, and it is included in various programs that allow the body to recover from serious diseases. It is recommended this direction to people of age and those who suffer from extra pounds. To understand the benefits of Scandinavian walking , it is enough to look at the main list of possible outcomes.

  1. Positively affects the cardiovascular system, normalizing blood pressure and circulation.
  2. The benefits and harm of Scandinavian walking with sticks is associated with the possibility of losing weight and cope with cellulite, and improve the condition of the muscles.
  3. Stabilizes the nervous state, which makes it easier to cope with stress, insomnia and other problems.
  4. The benefits of training are related to the fact that they spend them in the open air, improving brain activity and improving efficiency.
  5. Endurance and physical form develop.
  6. Has a huge benefit on the function of the musculoskeletal system. You can remove pain in the spine, improve posture and bone density. With regular training reduces the risk of fractures and other injuries, as well as various diseases.

Scandinavian walking with arthrosis

Many sports are contraindicated in joint diseases. Scandinavian walking with arthrosis of the knee helps in the treatment and is used to prevent the development of diseases. The benefit is associated with a reduction in excess weight, which often becomes the cause of joint diseases. Thanks to the use of an additional support, the load is distributed to all joints and muscles evenly. The main thing is not to cause harm, to begin with a minimum intensity, gradually increasing it.

Scandinavian walking with cervical osteochondrosis

According to statistics in rehabilitation centers, people with musculoskeletal problems involved in athletic walking, after 3-4 weeks felt a surge of energy, movement is given to them easier and the motor function is restored. Thanks to the use of sticks, the load is distributed to the entire body, which allows to relieve tension. Osteochondrosis and Scandinavian walking are also compatible due to the fact that, while observing the posture during exercise, the upper body and hands can be in a relaxed state. No less important is the increase in muscle density.

How correctly to do Scandinavian walking with sticks?

For training fit different areas, such as an ordinary street, park or forest. Start with a flat surface in order to minimize the risk of injury. The rules of walking with Scandinavian sticks imply the performance of three classes for seven days, and they must last at least half an hour. In the sports shop, buy equipment, picking it up for your growth. Comfortable clothes and footwear are no less important.

Scandinavian walking technique

The movements of the human body during training are similar to those of a ski. This style does not imply support for sticks, as they must slide freely on the ground. Hands are inserted into the anchorages, and they must be kept as close to the body as possible. Proper walking with Scandinavian sticks means a rhythmic change in the position of the limbs, as in ordinary walking. There are several main points in the technique of execution.

  1. Legs bend slightly in the knees, and tilt the body forward.
  2. The arm should indicate the size of the step, that is, the wider it is, the greater the step.
  3. Do not spread your arms wide and keep equipment near the hull.
  4. On the surface, lower first with a heel, and then, go to the toe. Earth should touch the entire foot.
  5. Do not lower the equipment abruptly, as this will disrupt the pace of walking, and will also burden the joints.
  6. The body should be static, that is, the hips, chest, shoulders and neck should participate in the movement.

Scandinavian walking with slack sticks

Overcome the excess weight without physical exertion will be difficult, and sometimes impossible, because you need to burn calories. The effectiveness of Nordic walking for weight loss is due to the fact that this is the cardio direction. In addition to the consumption of fat, the muscle corset is strengthened and traced. To get results, it is important to feel the muscles work and observe the basic rules.

  1. Do it regularly and better three times a week, spending 40 minutes training.
  2. Begin with a step that is a bit faster than a walk.
  3. Note that when walking with a small step with a large amplitude of the hands you can develop the upper part of the body, and with large steps and a close arrangement of the hands, the legs actively work.
  4. Use for effective weight loss - alternating fast and slow tempo.

Nutrition for Scandinavian walking for weight loss

If this sporting direction was chosen to get rid of stored fat, then it is necessary to change the habits of nutrition. Refuse from the use of high-calorie, fatty, sweet, smoked and other harmful food. Already this step will achieve the first results. Nutrition for Nordic walking should comply with the basic rules.

  1. Eat small meals and, in addition to the main techniques, add two additional meals.
  2. Do not exercise on an empty stomach, and after a meal should take a couple of hours.
  3. Give preference to protein foods with low fat content, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits.
  4. Maintain a water balance, so the daily rate is 2 liters.

The benefits of Nordic walking for the elderly

With age, changes occur in the body, many diseases occur, which significantly affects the quality of life. The situation aggravates the absence of physical activity. Scandinavian walking for the elderly is an ideal area, as there is no need to make serious efforts for training, but you can get a number of benefits that are proven clinically. During training four points of support are used, which allows to ensure a good balance and safety.

  1. The benefit is associated with a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, as well as on the respiratory system. With regular training, the pressure is normalized and the amount of harmful cholesterol is reduced.
  2. Thanks to the use of sticks, the load on the joints is reduced.
  3. Scandinavian walking with sticks, the benefit and harm of which is confirmed by doctors, allows to increase the density of bone mass, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
  4. Physical activity slows down the aging process. The benefits are due to increased mobility and mobility of the elderly.
  5. Reduces the risk of various diseases and strengthens immunity.

Scandinavian walking for pregnant women

During the period of gestation, many women go to the so-called sparing regime. This is considered an error, since the physical load must be present and in limited quantities it does not cause harm. Scandinavian walking in pregnancy is one of the few permitted directions. In this direction, combined fitness and walking in the air, which causes a number of useful properties.

  1. The amount of incoming oxygen to the internal organs and the fetus increases. As a result, you can get such benefit: insomnia passes, and also minimizes the risk of shortness of breath and problems with the cardiovascular system.
  2. Many women in the situation suffer from mood swings , and so regular exercises will help to stabilize the mental state. Scandinavian walking with sticks, the benefits and harms of which are proven by scientists, allows women to avoid postpartum depression.
  3. At system employment it is possible not to be afraid of a strong gain in weight, which brings harm, complicating childbirth.

Scandinavian walking - contraindications

Although this sporting direction is considered to be sparing, in some cases, even from it should be abandoned. Harm physical exercises bring with the presence of infectious diseases and with exacerbation of chronic ailments. To consult with a doctor is necessary for problems in the work of the musculoskeletal system. Harm to Scandinavian walking can cause people who have recently undergone surgery. Contraindication is also increased blood pressure. To avoid harm, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination.