White Magic

As a rule, the magical effect is the impact on the astral plane. And what is the difference between white magic and black? Everything is very simple - in the environment. Influencing a person for the purpose of violating his will violates one of the main life laws - the law of freedom of choice. This means that the black magician is opposed to a system that will eventually destroy him, defending himself. Maybe not right away, but it will happen gradually.

White magic helps a person cope with his problems, find a way out of a difficult situation. And when solving difficulties, a person grows and rises above himself. It is difficult to say what constitutes the basis of white magic. First of all, a strong desire is needed to learn this art, and remember a number of immutable postulates:

  1. For those who still do not know, in our universe there is a certain force that is contained within people, plants, animals, stones, shapes and even sounds.
  2. Everyone can awaken this force and concentrate it. Secrets of white magic are available to anyone, so if you wish, you can develop beyond yourself.
  3. The force is programmed by means of special vibrations of energy, you can control the trajectory of its movement. Many magicians know that it is possible to extract psychic energy from an object and direct it to a person.

White Voodoo Magic

The white magic of voodoo is directed at the accomplishment of good deeds. With the help of voodoo, white magicians help to heal people, drive away evil spirits and call upon the good. The main feature of such magic is not a spell, but a prayer. But this magic is very dangerous, even those who follow the voodoo religion rarely use their help. Many people ask, can white magic affect health? The answer is obvious - yes, it can. This is called astral healing, when a person gets rid of a variety of diseases, even incurable. But a very strong and honest magician must work on such a task, which is rare in our time. Also, white magic removes the generic curse , spoil, evil eye, spells and other unpleasant things. The study of white magic involves working on the mental plane. It allows you to get rid of all negative programs that prevent a person from being healthy and happy. The magic of white magic can bring more light, interesting and kind to your life.

Is there white magic to fulfill desires?

This question also worries many people. Any experienced magician will tell you that to fulfill desires, it is necessary, first of all, to work with yourself. You may need to eliminate some phobias, complexes and fears that prevent you from enjoying a full life.

White magic implies the development of personality - as you get competent knowledge, you can easily cope with life's difficulties and manage your life yourself. If you are assured that they will fulfill all your desires, most likely, they just want to deceive you. There are various symbols of white magic, who can protect you and tell you the right direction. It is also important not to fall for the tricks of swindlers and not to buy empty items. Try to buy amulets only from those magicians in whose power you are fully confident. An experienced magician immediately distinguishes a fake from a real talisman.

Consequences of white magic

They can only be positive. If you strive with all your heart to do good deeds, the universe itself will facilitate your activity. But do not engage in black and white magic at the same time, otherwise the outcome can be irreversible.