Winter sports for children

Sport plays an important role in the life of the child, because it not only helps to maintain the necessary physical activity and promotes health, but also shapes personality traits such as purposefulness, endurance, will power. The weather should not become an obstacle for sports and games and games, so from a certain age you can start to learn winter sports for children, but before deciding which sport to give the child, you should study all the nuances of a particular species and make sure there are no contraindications for health.

Pros of winter sports for children

  1. The most important plus of winter sports is the ability to combine physical activity with hardening. For example, skiing and skating takes place in fresh air at minus temperatures. The constant exposure of the cold to the body under conditions of sufficient physical activity helps to strengthen immunity and increase the body's overall defenses.
  2. Often training in winter sports is held in the forest, which significantly increases their benefits. The fact is that the forest air is saturated with phytoncides - volatile substances that successfully fight the pathogenic microflora in the human body.
  3. Also, when practicing sports in general, muscle strengthening, coordination development, increased oxygenation of the brain, and the production of adrenaline and endorphins - hormones, which help to stay in a good mood and keep the body in good shape.

Skiing for children

From the point of view of professional trainers and pediatricians, it is possible to engage in skiing with children, starting from the age of 5-6 years. He helps to develop the correct competitive spirit in the child, to teach adequate perception of victories and defeats, to build self-confidence. From the point of view of health, it is useful because it involves all muscle groups without exception, trains the cardiovascular system, the vestibular apparatus, strengthens the muscles of the legs and the abdominal press.

For successful skiing, you should first consult with your doctor about the absence of medical contraindications, and also pay attention to the necessary equipment.

Speed ​​skating for children

Training in speed skating and figure skating is better to begin with 5-6 years for girls and 7-8 for boys, but this rule applies in the case of professional sports. Theoretically, you can put crumbs on skates ever since he firmly got to his feet and learned to walk well - that is, from about two years old, the presence of parents is mandatory. Certainly, the younger preschool child will not be able to master complex techniques and figures, but he can quite well manage to keep and confidently move on ice.

Snowboarding for children

This is one of the most popular types of skiing for children. You can begin to contact him at the age of 7 years. The essence of this sport in the ability to firmly keep the balance on the board and at the same time successfully maneuver. This species belongs to the category of extreme and well contributes to the formation of the child's confidence in their abilities. Classes should be conducted exclusively under the guidance of a qualified trainer who can explain all the nuances of the technique of escape and ensure safety.

In any of the winter sports is important equipment. In addition to sports equipment and special clothing, pay special attention to the choice of thermal underwear for children for sports, which will ensure the removal of moisture from the body and prevent overheating and hypothermia during physical activity in winter.