What is warmer - a fur coat or a sheepskin coat, what is better for the winter?

Before the onset of winter cold, there is always a difficult choice: what kind of outerwear to choose? What is warmer - a fur coat or a sheepskin coat - this dilemma constantly worries women of fashion who want to protect themselves from the cold as much as possible, but at the same time look stylish and elegant. It makes sense to understand what is best to buy for the winter.

What is better - a sheepskin coat or a fur coat?

One of the fashion houses was an experiment. In the frost, at -20 ° C there were girls of about the same height, age and weight, with a mink and a sheepskin model on their bare torso. In the first case, the girl stayed in the frost for 25 minutes, and in the second - 30 minutes. But there is one nuance, a thing from a sheared or tweezed pile with colds is much worse. The fur product will take precedence over the indicators if the inner pile is thick, dense, with an abundant undercoat.

What is better for the winter, a fur coat or a sheepskin coat - this dilemma arises before making such a significant acquisition. The choice is between the price where the product of tanned leather wins, because even the longest model can be cheaper than a short thing from a valuable grade of fur. In the matter of heat-saving properties, the warmest fur coats for the winter are slightly ahead of dressing from sheepskin, but with some reservations, which were mentioned above. By the beauty of the styles - there is an unequivocal draw, because both versions are sewn in the classical style, there are models in the casual style .

What is more practical - a fur coat or a sheepskin coat?

What is warmer, more practical - a fur coat or a sheepskin coat - this question occupies many. And one and the other outer clothing should be treated with attention at one time or another. Many women are lost, faced with a problem - a sheepskin coat or a fur coat - what to choose? When making a decision, it is recommended to take into account certain factors:

Which fur coat is the warmest?

The warmest fur for a fur coat is a long pile with an abundant fluffy undercoat, therefore on the first place there will be a fox, beaver, wolf and sable. Also the warmest fur coat - this is such an exotic as a reindeer. They are followed by a mink, a mouton , a fox. In this case, the mink is divided into two types and this affects its ability to store heat (northern - more dense in structure, southern - easier). The next step is taken by nutria, astrakhan, muskrat, raccoon. And the most "cold" fur consider chinchilla, rabbit, squirrel and marmot.

What sheepskins are the warmest?

From what kind of fur are the warmest sheepskins - this question is asked by those who decided to stay on this kind of product. The warmth of a thing does not depend on its weight, it can be light and superbly warm. Heat-saving characteristics primarily depend on the density of the hair:

  1. It is generally believed that the best warm things from tanned leather, and regardless of the type of sheep. They have wool with a thick and abundant undercoat.
  2. Mountain goats also have dense hair and characteristics are not inferior to sheepskin. Therefore, an alternative to this material can be used.
  3. The warmest sheepskin coat is the Tuscan sheepskin, which has thick and tall hair.