Mildronate: indications for use

Mildronate is a medical product that improves metabolism and promotes energy supply to tissues. There are two forms of release: capsules and solution for injections in ampoules.

The method of using mildronate depends on the disease and its complexity. The drug is administered orally, intravenously, intramuscularly and parabulbarically (inside the eye).

Mildronate mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of Mildronate is to provide protection and energy supply of various cells of the body. Also, the drug prevents the accumulation of intermediate toxic metabolic products in the body, which protects cells from damage. In addition, mildronate slows the rate of oxidation of fatty acids, thereby making it possible to use an alternative energy system. The essence of this system is in the oxidation of glucose, and glucose is known to use oxygen much more efficiently for the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Mildronate preparation: indications for use

The list of diseases in which mildronate is prescribed is quite large, the main ones are:

A full list of indications is attached in the annotation to the drug.

Along with the testimony, you need to say a few words about contraindications. These include:

Mildronate for athletes

Due to the properties that the product is endowed with, it is widely used in sports.

Mildronate very effectively helps to cope with athletes with loads, sometimes prohibitive, both physical and mental. This effect is achieved at the expense of the body's ability to use its natural resources most rationally. That is, the effect of the drug mildronate is aimed at ensuring that the body can, as soon as possible and quickly adapt to stressful conditions, which are physical, mental and psychological loads.

In addition to adaptation, Mildronate also contributes to a rapid recovery, so representatives of numerous and various sports have long used this drug in the preparatory and competitive period.

For athletes, the most effective method of taking mildronate is 15-20 mg of the drug per kilogram of weight for half an hour before training. The duration of the course is from 1.5 to 3 months, then take a break, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.

Mildronate is not doping, as it does not increase physical indicators, but only increases the body's capacity. So in the competitive period, its application is safe from this point of view.

Mildronate for weight loss

Mildronate is an analog of carnitine and significantly improves metabolic processes. Talk about the drug as an independent means for weight loss is not necessary. His role in losing weight is due only to improving performance in sports and rapid adaptation to the load. That is, using mildronate can lose weight, but only during intense physical exertion.