Dyufaston in case of threat of miscarriage

Duphaston is a medical preparation, analogous to the hormone progesterone, which is produced by the body to regulate the menstrual cycle and the development of pregnancy. Duphaston during pregnancy has a supporting effect, helps to maintain pregnancy in case of a threat of miscarriage caused by a hormone deficiency. The drug, like other medicines, has a number of characteristics that should be considered in pregnancy.

Duphaston in early pregnancy

Today, taking dufastone during pregnancy is a very common practice. He is appointed in any situation that speaks of the threat of miscarriage - bleeding in the first weeks of pregnancy, placental abruption, other problems. However, it is necessary to prescribe dyufastone to pregnant women only after the analysis, which confirms the lack of this hormone. In the event that the level of progesterone in the blood is normal, doctors usually do not see the need for prescribing the drug and are looking for other causes of the threat of miscarriage.

Up to how many weeks to drink djufaston?

If the drug was prescribed to you by a doctor, then he will detail the scheme of admission and subsequent cancellation. The preserving effect of progesterone lasts until 14-16 weeks of pregnancy, at the next stage the function of maintenance takes on the placenta, and therefore there is no need to get progesterone from the outside. However, while many experts recommend to cancel djufaston gradually. A sharp end of medication can cause an acute shortage of hormone in the mother's body. The drug is withdrawn within 1-2 weeks.

Duphaston in pregnancy - contraindications

The drug has two major contraindications during pregnancy, as described by the instruction of Dufaston:

Therefore, before using the drug, you should carefully read the description, if you have any problems with the drug allergy or liver, be sure to consult a doctor.

Dufaston in pregnancy - side effects

Side effects of djufaston in pregnancy is not revealed, due to the fact that the drug is an analogue of the natural hormone for pregnancy. Of course, provided that you do not exceed the dosages specified in the doctor's recommendation. Side effect, or rather the feature of the drug, you can call breakthrough bleeding, which occasionally occur when taking duftastona. In this case, it is necessary to increase the dose of the drug, after consultation with a doctor. Some pregnant women have nausea and vomiting on duftaston, but there is no exact connection with the administration of medications, this can be a manifestation of toxicosis.

In what other cases do they prescribe DUFASTON?

Today, doctors use dufaston to maintain pregnancy, but not only. On an organism not of the pregnant woman it also has positive influence, especially, at disturbances of a menstrual cycle, at dysfunctional bleeding, with expressed pre-local syndrome. In addition, it is of great importance to treat dyuaston with habitual miscarriage, if it has a hormonal basis. Pregnancy after receiving dufaston in this case often has a favorable outcome.

Why are pregnant women prescribed djufaston? The answer to this question is received. However, you do not need to prescribe the drug yourself or use comments from the Internet. In case of any problems, especially during the period of bearing the baby, it is better to immediately consult a doctor who will perform the necessary tests and prescribe adequate treatment.