Naphthyzine in Pregnancy

Quite often, in the process of bearing a baby, women are faced with various colds and infectious diseases, which almost never do without a cold and nasal congestion. It is in such cases that the question arises as to whether Naphthyzinum can be used during the current pregnancy. Let's look at this drug in detail, and tell you about the features of its use in the period of bearing a baby.

What is Naphthysine and can it be used for pregnant women?

This drug refers to vasoconstrictor drugs. Due to its low price and fast effect from use, it has become very popular. This medicine can not be called curative, tk. It is only intended to relieve symptoms, such as a runny nose and stuffiness. So, after literally one use, the swelling of the nasal mucosa decreases dramatically, which results in relief of breathing.

If we talk directly about whether Naphthyzinum can be dripped into the nose during pregnancy, the instructions for the use of the medication state that it is contraindicated during the period of gestation. It is caused by the fact that the spasm of the vessels, i.e. narrowing of their lumen, occurs not only in the nasal cavity, but throughout the body, even in the placenta, which can cause such a violation as oxygen starvation (hypoxia of the fetus).

It is a mistake to believe that a drug with a lower dosage can be used by pregnant women. Children's naftizin during pregnancy is also contraindicated, because it exerts the same effect on the organism of the future mother.

However, despite all the warnings of doctors and instructions to the drug, some future mothers actively use this drug while carrying the child, at their own peril and risk. At the same time, they do not know that Naphthyzin itself can be addictive, i.e. literally after 4-5 days of use the body is no longer able to cope with the rhinitis itself, and in order for the effect to occur, it is often necessary to increase the dose. It is this situation that causes a great risk to the fetus.

What can I use when I get pregnant from a cold?

The use of naftizine in pregnancy, especially in its early stages, is unacceptable. That's why doctors offer pregnant women other ways to combat this phenomenon.

First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the nasal passages, using saline solutions in the form of a spray (Aquamaris, Humer), as well as normal saline. Washing should be done several times a day (3-4 times).

What can lead to the use of Naphthyzin during pregnancy?

The use of naftizine in pregnancy can have negative consequences, especially for a small, developing in the womb of the body.

As already mentioned above, the most dangerous of these is the spasm of vessels located in the placenta. As a result of this phenomenon, the blood flow between the fetus and the mother's organism is disturbed. That's why a small organism begins to receive oxygen less than it should - the baby's oxygen starvation occurs.

This phenomenon is fraught with a violation of the fetal development of the fetus, in particular, it negatively affects the formation of brain structures.

Thus, it must be said that using Naphthyzin during pregnancy, the expectant mother jeopardizes the health of her baby. It is best in such situations to use saline solutions, which were mentioned above. These kinds of drugs are a little worse with the task, but they do not do any harm to the future mother or her baby.