Oak wedding

Each anniversary of the wedding wears its amazing name, which appeared not accidentally. It is the 80th anniversary of a joint life that is usually called an oak wedding, because the oak symbolizes strength and longevity. So the family with such experience has acquired strong, "oak" relationships, tested by the joys and sorrows of many decades.

The joint life of the spouses grows stronger every year, therefore from the names of wedding anniversaries one can understand whether it is a strong family or just a union that is gaining strength. It's not for nothing that the first anniversary of a joint life has the names of a cotton, gauze, paper wedding. Relationships in families with a small experience of living together are quite fragile, spouses are experiencing many difficulties, eyeing, getting used to the habits of their half and not all have the strength and patience to go hand in hand with the chosen one. Therefore, the union is easily torn as gauze or paper.

On the anniversary of the oak wedding, the husband and wife understand each other at a glance, they know that the second half will always understand and support. The union of these people has grown so strong that they will withstand any adversities and defeats like a long-oak tree, and it is almost impossible to break their family.

Analyzing how many years together the spouses who celebrate an oak wedding can safely assume that they have a large family and a pedigree comparable to a mighty oak tree. After all, for 80 years of living together, for sure, the couple became a great-grandmother and great-grandfather, and maybe have great-great-grandsons.

An oak wedding is celebrated by long-livers, they are people who are wise with experience, who have experienced much in their life, and the main value for them is the family. The most pleasant gift for them will be for the whole family to come together, this is a rare event when there are 4-5 generations, because if children or grandchildren have gone to different cities and countries, many great-grandchildren can meet only for the first time.

When they celebrate an oak wedding?

An oak wedding is celebrated on the 80th anniversary of a joint life, hence the "newlyweds" are already about a hundred years old. Rare couples live to such an age, so this significant event is customarily made elegantly celebrate.

Given the respectable age of spouses and their children, it is better to organize a noisy holiday, but a magnificent solemn feast with the family. Certainly the next of kin will arrive not one dozen, therefore it is necessary to plan a place for a feast in advance.

On the anniversary of the wedding, it is appropriate to give oak hand-made figurines or carved caskets of oak, oak rosary. An original gift will be a custom-made painting, in which the artist depicts a young couple under an oak tree, and faces and images will be drawn from photographs preserved from the wedding of the young.

An excellent gift will be a genealogical tree , which is painstakingly compiled not in one week. For some members of the family, interesting stories will be told by jubilee, but they can learn a lot about the young generation from grandchildren or great-grandchildren.

An interesting tradition is to plant an oak on this day, which will symbolize the longevity and strength of the union, and will serve as an example for other generations. The tree can be planted in the garden or, in agreement with local authorities, in a city park. Oak wedding is a rare event, and in a small town, a married couple who have lived up to such an anniversary are usually congratulated by the mayor and townspeople, so it is very appropriate to plant an oak tree in the city garden.

Such moments must be remembered, removed on video. Sometimes it may be possible to watch this memorable film already at the platinum wedding, that is, at the 100th anniversary of the family.